I logged in today for the first time in probably like a few weeks? I created a collection legacy challenge so I, like you, have been working on getting all the collections for a while. With them adding these rewards challenges every few months lately, to say the least it's been a lot because I collect one collection per generation, so as the rewards come out I just have to put the current collection on hold, grab those up real quick, and then move on with my life. Anyway, all that to say, I logged in this week to start collecting the milk cartons and all my Freezer Boneys and Wreaths from the previous 2 events are gone. They aren't in my household inventory, they aren't in build/buy mode, I can't cheat them back with MCC...they are just gone. I usually keep all my collections in the basement and where they were on the shelf is just empty, and all the wreaths just have holes in the wall where they were. I'm hoping it's just a glitch because there is a current event going on and once this one ends they will come back...or I can at least cheat them back then. I received my award for getting them so I know I had them at some point...but yeah hopefully they'll either fix it soon or they'll come back once the current event is over. Good luck with your collection save! I've had a blast with mine!