Re: Premade Maxis builds are not decorated
@patmoreseth , I have not had that problem. I have had about 4 decorator gigs, all on houses that came with the game such as the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family from the base game, the Heckings' from the Cats & Dogs pack, and the Bros household from the Get Together pack and the Amicable Acolytes from the Real of Magic pack. These are all EA/Maxis builds. All homes were fully furnished (though some of these homes like the Acolytes home never had much furniture in them to begin with.😅 )
Are you playing on a console, or on a PC or Mac? If you are on a PC or Mac do you play with any Mods or Custom Content (CC)? Also, what are your graphic settings set at?
Finally, is this an old save or a newer one. I am playing in a new save right now. Sometimes older ones have more glitches. (But even newer saves can get glitchy is they have been left running for a while. If that is your case, then you can exit your game and restart it. 😉).
Please update us on your situation! 😇