16 days agoHero
Birthday Update/SDX Available Now!
The Blast From The Past Event begins today.
The Sims 4 Free Content Update will be available also.
The Blast From The Past Event begins today.
The Sims 4 Free Content Update will be available also.
SEREFRASis it showing up for you yet?
Simmingal wrote:The original versions of the hairs are still in the game :)
Oh, this is exactly what I was hoping for, now players can choose which version they prefer. Thank you for letting me know.
I like the Birckenstock style sandals and blue/white sneakers for male and female styling.
The original versions of the hairs are still in the game :) I believe its just the side swept long hair and ponytail they added babyhairs version of and the rest is new hairs entirely
although i think kids only got the baby hair version of those since they never had the original versions converted
I didn't get the new SDX stuff & CAS either.
Thank you I am going to start it again And I found them all, I noticed the kid's cute new gym plays set ship that has the other item that seems to be nowhere? I found it those are in build mode under columns forgot what they are called.
And need to know if Sims 2 will be available on PS 5?
Thanks girl! I had found the recolours but wasn't sure which windows/doors were new.
Does anyone know which hairs are updated to have baby hairs drawn on the sims face? Are they a new item or are the originals gone forever?
I didn't get it either.