3 years agoLegend
Came Up Egregiously Short In the Timeline Should I?
I should have realized that getting Erik to Rock Star, Global Superstar status doesn't take that many sim-days. I've done it in as little as nine sim-days. I miscalculated when I started with a copy of his nuclear family wherein he was already a Global Superstar. Besides the fact there is no Tile for him to show his future children, I also flubbed up on the writing of one of his many songs. I either underscored it prematurely, or something. (I made a chart and as he wrote them, I would underscore them so I wouldn't get confused. Once I had him write the same song, but under two different instruments.) When I went to have him license it, it just wasn't there. I ended up picking another song in that instrument. I had thought about playing Brianna through the Strangerville mission, but being in the same save would advance time for everyone so that's not good. Also, here we sit a good 29 RL days prior to the dropping of the Patch and all I need to do now, is plan and execute a wedding. :open_mouth: Help me decide, please!
Should I?
Should I?