Forum Discussion

popstarissa's avatar
6 years ago

Distinguished Degrees and Careers

Has anybody found a list of the qualifications for distinguished degrees and the careers they affect? I’ve watched a few Game Changer videos, but they’ve all started from scratch with a fresh Sim so don’t have any of the requirements for a Distinguished Degree.

I want to get my little simmies skilled up for their university debut!
  • Has anyone seen videos where they talk about what skills are needed for different degrees?
  • @Dijktafone good point. I want to get my Sim into the Lawyer career so by the looks of it, Language and Literature might be the best bet for a Uni degree. Guessing I should sharpen his writing and charisma skills to be eligible for a Distinguished Degree.
  • Is there a recommended degree for the Pro Athlete career branch? I read that Biology is recommended for the Bodybuilder branch but I couldn't find anything for the other one.