If you feel strongly that you want to restart, I would personally follow that urge. I've had to restart my Main Save so many times, I've lost count. For the most part it's been beneficial. One restart I did was after I learned from other players just how to have my Rock Star win Best Song Accolades. So, of course, I had to restart so he could earn his celebrity points while busy churning out songs written on the instruments available in the game. I just did a Roll-Back on this latest Main Save. I decided it was no longer a Flashback Save to take my young celebrity to high school. I had the Teens I wanted in my game graduate early upon the invitation. They got the special trait for it and are now in Uni, I'm feeling way more confident about this roll-back, too. Had to avert the Festering Grudge my star's fiancée developed against him. That's no way to start a marriage, which was coming up after their third term at uni. So far, so good!
Follow your heart. You can always save the current one and set it aside, for now.