"naeshelle;c-18091686" wrote:
I'm not completely scandalized, per se, but I am slightly aghast at the fact that my sim keeps calling her child-aged son to ask if she should have a baby with his father. Once was enough, but the fact that she repeatedly does it almost any time he goes off of their home lot is creating problems for my storytelling.
I have a family where the two kids are adults, both away at University now. The older daughter is at Foxbury and the younger son is at Britechester. While I was playing the son at Britechester, his mother called him three times in one week and asked this question. I said no every time.
Then I switched over to Foxbury where the daughter is, and the mom called her to ask too. In this case, the daughter has the traits "noncommittal" and "hates children," and for the first time ever the "no" option was worded differently. She was able to say, "A child? Ugh NO, they are really annoying."
LOL. This was a clever little trait Easter egg.
But it still annoyed me that I got this many calls about this. EW.