Forum Discussion

burnished_dragon's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Laundry - Washers and dryers constantly needing repair

Does anyone else find the machines continually break down? I get maybe one or two washes then I have to have them repaired. I also find it very frustrating that you have to tell you sim to turn the laundry on. I would think that that should be the same command as do laundry, put laundry in dryer - like really you put laundry in the machine but don't turn it on!!! The other issue is often the dryer just doesn't work and you have to take laundry out and rewash. This is a PIA
  • @Rebka upgraded machines break less or don't break. And if you upgrade them you can add fruit or flowers to them.
    Put a smoke detector near the dryer or it will burn your house down. Also, make sure you have sprinklers in your house.

    I love the laundry pack, it is my favorite stuff pack

    I really think there is a programmer that is an arsonist at EA. in both SimCity and TS4 fires just happen too much. They finally patched the firepit from Outdoor Adventure, but now it doesn't stay lit.