The store should work, but another option would be what I do for my bookstore. My writer sims are all friends with, and/or in a book club with, Mortimer Goth. Mortimer owns the only bookstore in-game. So from time to time, once my writer sims have several new books they've written I have them gift copies to Mortimer. Then every now and then I will play the Goth household, and have Mortimer make the rounds-- or start a club meeting at the bookstore-- so he can go around to each of them and pay them a commission. (I.e., do the "give friendly gift-simoleans" interaction.)
It's not the most efficient thing, but it does allow him to resell the books. It's not so much about the profit for either the writer sims or for Mortimer, though; it's more so that my other sims can buy and read the books that my writer sims have written. I always want new book titles, and I love that my sims can specialize in children's books, sci-fi, fantasy, romance novels, spy novels, political thrillers, poetry, etc. (Mostly just by choosing the title, of course, but I always have fun naming the books.)
Anyway, tl, dr: this might be how you could do things if you have more than one sim making potions and you don't want every single one of them to have to buy their own store.