Forum Discussion

djsboonie's avatar
Rising Adventurer
3 years ago

When you're at the kitchen sink & your Watcher kills you

My spellcaster sim Shuri somehow got borked so I killed her by Spellcaster Overload just after she washed dishes. This is how she landed LOL.

And I had already added her original version to the household beforehand. Now I just have to get her mostly to where Shuri v2 (killed sim) was (lots of cheating up skills & aspirations coming up....)
  • ck213's avatar
    Seasoned Scout
    Not as spectacular as how the Wicked Witch of the East went out, but it's hard to beat a house falling on you. :)
  • djsboonie's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    @CK213 I hadn't even thought of that correlation; must be where the devs got the inspiration for the Death by Spellcaster Overload animation from :).