Forum Discussion

daeri1987's avatar
9 years ago

Write book, without computer?

So, silly me made a house without electricity! Of course I can add a computer, but I don't wanna.

Is there a way to write a book without having a computer? If not, this should really be able to!
  • You could make a computer café and send your sim there or as others have said the Library.
  • "EmmaVane;14269704" wrote:
    "3KNPen;14269647" wrote:
    I really miss the chamber pot toilet from Sims 3 though hopefully we'll get something similar for 4 at some point.

    There's this one (looks like a bucket underneath):

    It's made on the workbench at quite a high handiness level, or found under toilets in debug.

    Thanks I'll have to think about using debug the next time I'm starting out a save like this. I still wish it was just to be available in the regular game though since I prefer not to do that. I suppose I could also have them use public toilets only until they have a high enough handiness skill to make themselves a toilet...I actually like the thought of doing a playthrough like that now that I think boy it lol.
  • "Dannydanbo;14269531" wrote:
    What powers your fridge?

    "Simasaurus09;14269587" wrote:
    Very off topic but I thought I would share.. :p

    Interesting fact is some writers still use "outdated" methods when writing. Notebooks, typewriters, and George R. R. Martin writes on an old DOS machine running Wordstar 4.0.

    I don't use a computer for most of my writing either. It feels much more 'real' when writing with a pen.
  • I do not want to use mobile phones, computers, etc., I like to live with newspapers, typewriters, letters and so on.
    I always play in the old days, but Sims 4 does not allow me to dive into them completely because of the cell phone, computers and so on.
    I want to live like Tasha Tudor in my game (and my life*.*)
  • They've left out so much that it would make a great gamepack bringing them all back together again with a world set before the 21st Century.

    It could come with something like a Farming pack or even Education as everyone knows (in the UK anyway) that the internet and mobile phones are hard to connect in rural areas but telephone power landlines are all over the landscape.
  • "FurSimsOfficial;c-17024161" wrote:
    Why does a pen and a paper counts as 'old'. How do you sign a form nowadays? With your phone? :D
    I think the sims should give us the option to also write things by hand for our sims or use a type machine. These things are even a hype again, so why not! Would be cool to have a sim that is onto vintage items and types books on his typo front of his brickstone apartment window hehe

    Actually yeah ?? I lot of forms I fill out with my phone or computer and you “e-sign” them, aka type in your name or scribble a signature.
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