Forum Discussion
11 years agoSeasoned Ace
Restrictions par carrières
Gourou des technologies – Entrepreneur de startup
Le reste du monde a quasiment abandonné tout espoir de sauver la ville. Quelques organismes humanitaires prennent le risque de pénétrer dans la zone, mais ils n'offrent que des objets basiques et de piètre qualité. La région était l'épicentre d'une industrie high-tech dynamique mais tout a été abandonné depuis.
Le luxe est la dernière chose dans la liste des survivants.
Pour chaque catégorie d'objet, vous pouvez acheter ou utiliser seulement celui ayant la moins bonne qualité. Pour cette restriction, les lits doubles et les lits simples sont deux catégories différentes. Si une autre restriction interdit une catégorie d'objet, cette restriction est prioritaire jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit levée, même si vous levez la restriction sur la qualité.
En manipulant intelligemment la loi et à l'aide de quelques connaissances techniques, votre Sim rachète et relance les usines high-tech précédemment abandonnées dans la zone contaminée. Les objets fabriqués à partir de matériaux de meilleurs qualités et construits en utilisant des techniques avancées sont maintenant disponibles pour tous les habitants de la région.
Gourou des technologies - E-sportif professionnel
The backbone servers and fiber optic cables that used to bring the internet to the region were fried during the meltdown. Now power is scarce, electronics are faulty and computers are crippled in their functionality. Cell phone towers were taken out too, crippling phone functionality to the region.
L'ordinateur peut être utilisé seulement pour les tâches quotidiennes requises pour le travail de votre Sim (si ces tâches nécessitent l'utilisation d'un ordinateur) et rien d'autre. Le téléphone peut être utilisé seulement pour prendre ou quitter un travail et ne peux pas être utilisé pour jouer à des jeux, discuter, envoyer des messages, faire des blagues ou inviter d'autres Sims.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter, placer ou utiliser une télé ou une tablette.
Fed up with their jury-rigged connection to the outside world, your Sim takes their network connectivity know-how and leads a community effort to restore servers, cell towers, and reconnects the fiber optics. Suddenly, internet speeds are 10 times that of the rest of Sim Nation. Handy not having an ISP monopoly.
Affaires – Investisseur
Commerce and trade used to be a cornerstone of the Glassbolt region. All of that is in shambles now. While there are some companies importing some basic survival items into the region, nobody is bothering to try and export anything. The assumption that there is nothing of value to export and that whatever is exported might be tainted with the lingering radiation means that nothing of value is leaving the region, and very little money is flowing back in.
Vous ne pouvez pas vendre les objets du mode Achat/Construction ou des objets collectés/recoltés. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des interactions impliquant le conseil Geologique pour les objets trouvés. Vous ne pouvez pas publier de livres (vous pouvez auto-publier) ou des chansons.
Vous ne pouvez pas écrire ou vendre des jingles.
The region is ripe with opportunity and your Sim sees this. Flush with cash and strong with clout, your sim convinces a major shipping company to invest in the region, publishing the stories of the survivors, buying excess goods to re-sell as “Survivor Vintage”, and to labs for scientific study. While the new company makes a mint on this new opportunity, it also opens the door for some much needed cash to flow into the pockets of those living there. A true win/win for everyone involved.
Affaires – Gestion
It is amazing that some companies have remained in the region. But it soon becomes clear that most of them are taking advantage of the situation and labor standards are being ignored to the detriment of the workers. With unemployment so high, bosses feel free to use and abuse their workers and fire them on a whim knowing they can be easily replaced.
Vous ne pouvez pas pendre des jours de congés, que ce soit des congés normaux ou des congés familaux. Si votre Sim manque le travail, est en retard ou quitte le travail plus tôt, il doit quitter son travail et ne peuvent pas reprendre le même. Si un Sim quitte son travail volontairement, ou change de travail, ce Sim ne peut pas reprendre son ancien travail.
Les séniors ne peuvent pas prendre leur retraite. Les enfants et les ados ne peuvent pas faire l'école buissonnière.
Ces restrictions ne s'appliquent pas à la scolarité des jeunes Sims mais les emplois à mi-temps des adolescents sont concernés.
Lorsqu'un Sim est au travail, vous pouvez choisir de travailler normalement ou de travailler dur mais ne pouvez pas sélectionner un autre mode.
Note : les Sims qui possède le trait "Fainéant professionnel" ne sont pas concernés par cette restriction.
Haven risen through the ranks of the business world, your Sim declares that the practice of mistreating workers must end. Your sim’s company has enough business and legal connections to other businesses in the region and pressures other businesses in the region to do the same. Working conditions for everyone improve overnight.
Culinaire – Chef
The destruction in the region has cut gas lines and made the electricity grid very unstable. As a result, gas and electrical appliances can’t be relied on to cook and preserve food. The citizens of the area are forced to resort to more primitive cooking methods and living off the land to stave off starvation.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter, placer ou utiliser les frigos, gazinières, fours, fours micro-onde ou glacières. La nourriture autre que poisson ne peut pas être cuisinée au barbecue ou au feu de camp. Si vous n'avez pas le pack Destination Nature, vous pouvez cuisiner autre chose que du poisson mais vous devrez placer un poisson dans l'inventaire familial à chaque fois que vous cuisinez.
After breaking the Simmish Book of World Records for hosting the largest soup kitchen for the region, your culinary master Sim attracts the attention of the world’s most famous chefs. Seeing the plight of the region they form the global food fund to ship truckloads of fresh food to the region as well as repair the gas lines and electrical infrastructure, allowing the people of the region to once again make and eat good food.
Culinaire – Mixologue
There is something in the water. In fact, there is something in all liquids that are made in the region. The radiation in the air seems to easily trickle into liquids making drinking anything a risky and unhealthy affair. Only the juices and liquids locked in fresh food seem to be safe, which is just enough to stave off total dehydration.
Les Sims ne doivent boire aucune boisson au bar. Ils ne peuvent pas boire les potions de récompenses. Ils ne doivent rien boire qui sorte du frigo ou d'une glacière et ne peuvent pas se laver les dents.
Les enfants ne doivent pas être nourris au biberon.
Votre Sim peut préparer des boissons pour s'entrainer mais il doit ensuite les jeter.
After ages spent mixing drinks, trying to make something drinkable, your master Mixologist sim stumbles on a genius drink mix that, when added to any liquid, neutralizes the radiation and renders the liquid safe to drink. Cheap and easy to make, your Sim distributes this miracle drink mix to the whole region, allowing Sims everywhere to raise a glass and drink to their health.
Astronaute – Ranger de l'espace
The radiation cloud released by the meltdown has taken the form of a dark and grim cloud, blocking out much of the sky and sunlight. The presence of the cloud makes sleeping outdoors unsafe and the lack of sunlight sets the entire region on edge, unable to appreciate the beauty of many objects around them.
Tous les objets doivent se trouver entre quatre murs et sous un toit et les Sims ne peuvent pas dormir dehors.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas voyager ou partir en vacances à Granite Falls (si vous avez le pack D.A.).
Les Sims ne doivent pas observer les étoiles ou regarder les nuages ou utiliser le téléscope pour observer le ciel.
Vous ne devez pas activer les auras sur les objets qui en possèdent.
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de tente.
La boite au lettre, la poubelle et la fusée ne sont pas affectés par l'obligation de se trouver sous un toit.
With a heroic mission in low orbit, your brave space ranger sim is able to harness the power of the solar winds to pull the radioactive cloud out of the atmosphere and send it into space, clearing the sky and letting the region breathe a little easier and actually see the sun once in a while.
Astronaute – Trafiquant interstellaire
The prototype designs for the next generation of objects was stolen from the region’s high tech industrial sector during the chaos and confusion of the meltdown. The knowledge of how to make those unique and special objects has been lost. Worse still, the blueprints for do-it-yourself improvements are missing, rendering the handysims of the region clueless on how to improve the functionality.
Vous ne pouvez pas placer, vendre ou utiliser les récompenses de carrière. Vous ne pouvez pas améliorer des objets, sauf la fusée.
While your Interstellar Smuggler went on an epic quest to steal back the stolen plans, their efforts were ultimately in vain as the thieves were found dead and the laptop with the stolen plans broken beyond repair. Luckily all the gadgets, trinkets and high tech modifications your Sim developed while preparing for their mission were more than enough to replace the knowledge lost. Your Sim releases the plans to the region for all to use.
Peintre – Maître du réel
Art has taken a back seat to survival. Who wants to look at drawings when one doesn’t know where their next meal will come from? Anyone who had artistic talent in the region has forgotten how to make emotionally powerful objects.
Vos Sims ne peuvent pas peindre de peintures émouvantes. Les Sims bricoleurs ne peuvent créer d'objets émouvants sur l'établi (les objets avec seulement un score d'environnement ne rentrent pas dans cette catégorie).
Les écrivains ne peuvent pas écrire de livres émouvants.
Your Master of the Real realizes how to break through the tragic haze in the region and once again master their emotions and put that mastery into their creations allowing the region’s art scene to be revived and develop a unique style of its own.
Peintre – Mécène
The outside world is largely cut off from those in the region. Given that there is no market for works of art within the region itself as your fellow survivors care more about food and shelter than pretty pictures, even the greatest masterpiece will go unheeded and the greatest artists unrewarded for their work.
Vous ne pouvez pas vendre d'objets crées par un Sim. Vous ne pouvez pas auto-publier des livres.
Having attracted the attention of major international art gallery using their connections, your Sim establishes an art auction house where the artists of the region can go to get real money for their works of art. There is a robust market for creations from the region as suffering and struggle felt by the artists of the region make for very memorable and valueble creations.
Écrivain – Auteur
The libraries and the bookstores are gone. Only stray books can be found these days. If your Sim wants to read more than the handful of books that come with new bookshelves, they had better hope they know a local author or write one themselves.
Vous ne pouvez pas commander de livres depuis une bibliothèque (l'objet) ou l'ordinateur, et vous ne pouvez pas visiter la bilibothèque (le lieu), et ce même si vous pouvez visiter les autres types de lieux.
The written word is indeed powerful and your prolific author has penned enough books to restock the entire region and setup an ordering service for sims to buy books from the outside world. The money earned from all this is used to rebuild the regional libraries.
Écrivain – Journaliste
The state of the region is terrible. The sanitation system is in ruins, medicine is scarce and the worst part is…the rest of the world doesn’t realize how bad it is. Rather than properly investigate the region, the major media outlets of the world have largely glossed over the events in Glassbolt. The rest of the world doesn’t know how bad it actually is and because of this few seem eager to lend a hand.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter ou utiliser des douches, baignoires ou des combinaisons douches/baignoires.
Vous devez toujours utiliser l'option "Essayer de faire un bébé" si elle est disponible.
Vous ne pouvez pas faire de test de grossesse.
Your crack investigative journalist Sim manages to do a stellar piece. Gathering photos, quotes, events, and evidence of exactly how bad things have gotten in the region. They then release this to the world. International aid organizations spring into action. Doctors come to help out the sick and provide much needed pharmaceutical items, including birth control and pregnancy testing items. A joint effort quickly repairs the sewage and water sanitation systems, allowing clean…ish and free flowing water to return to everyone still living in the area.
Agent secret – Agent du diamant
The radiation released by the meltdown wasn’t just your normal, run-of-the-mill radiation. The plant was experimental and the resulting radiation has had some…unique effects on those who were near the power plant when it blew. Zombies. And not just regular zombies, but RADIOACTIVE zombies roam the major streets. It is unclear what makes them tick or what they are after, but it is not safe to travel between neighborhoods, lest the zombie hordes get you. The thread of zombies have made people paranoid about letting anyone into their homes.
Les Sims ne doivent pas se rendre sur les terrains communautaires ou les maisons voisines (ils peuvent quand même visiter l'espace public autour d'eux, tant que cela ne cause pas un écran de chargement. Cela n'empêche pas les Sims de partir au travail).
Vous ne pouvez pas faire quitter le foyer à un Sim (sauf lors de l'emménagement initial, si le foyer de votre fondateur comporte plus d'une personne).
After infiltrating the zombie hordes and doing some acts of seduction that your Sim would rather not talk about, your Diamond Agent Sim finds the source of the zombies’ power. The Evil Dr. Vu is controlling them and using the nuclear disaster as a cover. After destroying Vu’s nefarious device, the zombies all return to normal, leaving the streets clear and neighborhoods safe.
Agent secret – Méchant
Something must have snapped in the mind of Glassbolt’s mayor. When the meltdown took the life of his pet llama, the mayor went a little insane, enacting bizarre zoning laws and mobilizing the region’s fire and police forces to enforce them while ignoring the suffering and other problems that a police force might otherwise be able to help with.
Lorsque vous débutez le challenge, vous devez choisir une zone 8x8 sur votre terrain. Vous pouvez construire uniquement dans cette zone. Rien ne doit être placé à l'exterieur de celle-ci.
Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ou vendre les urnes ou tombes et vous ne pouvez pas libérer les esprits.
Your villain, aggravated by this insane and clearly incompetent mayor’s rules, has decided to take down the figure of authority and seize power for his or herself. Through some careful manipulation from the shadows and some very good use of minions and henchmen, your Sim manages to stage a little ‘accident’ for the mayor mere minutes after being named deputy mayor themselves. While there isn’t exactly a lot of wealth and power to gained from ruling a devistated region, at least your Sim can do away with the previous mayor’s silly laws while they ponder ways to exploit their new-found authority.
Artiste – Musicien
The people of the region have difficulty relaxing. Living in a nuclear hell-hole has a way of keeping you focused on the here and now. Music is seen as a waste of time and the local radio stations have all been destroyed in the disaster. People seem more set in their ways and stubborn to try new things or give into their changing impulses.
Les Sims peuvent utiliser l'interaction "S'entrainer" sur les instruments de musique et aucune autre interaction.
Ils ne peuvent acheter aucun appareil qui diffuse de la musique.
Vous ne pouvez pas changer l'aspiration d'un Sim, même si vous l'avez complétée. Vous pouvez seulement en sélectionner une nouvelle quand un enfant passe au stade adolescent.
Vous ne pouvez pas annuler des "envies".
With your Sim filling the air with beautiful music, the people of the region are inspired to rebuild the radio stations just so they can hear your Sim play. Hope is renewed and people feel more at ease and flexible in how they approach life.
Artiste – Humoriste
The people of the Glassbolt region are a depressed group, and rightfully so. But depression feeds more depression and people become more hesitant to gather together or even look at themselves in a mirror. Nobody laughs or feels they can make merry and everyone is on edge.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas organiser de fêtes ou partir en rencard.
Vous ne pouvez pas inviter d'autres Sims à venir sur votre terrain.
Vous pouvez faire emménager seulement un Sim par génération dans votre foyer.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas utiliser de miroir.
With a star comedian touring the region , the people of Glassbolt learn to laugh again even at themselves. People may still look like hell, but at least they are more comfortable joking about it. With everyone being a lot less self-conscious, people once again gather for events and are more comfortable joining others.
Criminel – Patron
The one thing that wasn’t destroyed by the blast was the local mob. With law enforcement severely weakened and unable to maintain order, the mob has volunteered itself to ‘protect’ the residents. The upside is that burglaries are non-existent. The downside is that this ‘protection’ has a price – everythMing you made that week. Residents are in such bad shape, that saying ‘no’ is not an option.
A chaque fois que vous recevez des factures, payez-les (si vous pouvez) et réduisez les fonds de votre foyer à zéro en utilisant le code "money" (ouvre la console de triche, puis entrez "testingcheats true" et appuyer sur entrée. Tapez "money 0" et appuyez sur entrée).
Vous ne pouvez pas dépenser d'argent tant que vous avez des factures impayées ou à partir du moment où le facteur apparaît sur le terrain et ce jusqu'à ce que les factures soient payées et les fonds du foyer réduits à zéro.
Beating the mob is not an option, but if you can’t beat them, join them. As the big boss in charge, the mob plays by your Sim’s rules. And their rules say ‘no protection payments are to be drawn from my family for life’. And when the boss speaks, the goons listen.
Criminel – Oracle
Things are bad, but they seem almost artificially bad. As if the universe was conspiring against the people of Glassbolt at the whim of some cruel otherworldly power. Sadly, the people of Glassbolt are powerless to act upon this paranoid feeling and must go about their lives.
Vous en pouvez pas utiliser le code moveobjets.
Vous ne pouvez pas télécharger ou importer un Sim depuis la galerie ou placer un Sim dans le quartier (autre que votre fondateur au début du challenge).
Vous devez utiliser le code money pour retirer toute somme d'argent apporté par un Sim emménageant dans le foyer (si il apporte de l'argent).
Your master hacker Sim manages to tap into the matrix. They almost go mad from the revelation. They are just a simulation, a computer program. And the state of the region is that way because of some ‘challenge’ being played. Unable to escape from the simulation, the orcacle finds little ways to get ahead and manipulate their player’s computer to make things easier for their family.
As an added bonus, upon lifting the Oracle restrictions, you may legally use the “Kaching” cheat once per Sim day (Other money cheats are still restricted)
Sport – Athlète professionnel
People feel hopeless in the region. The bare minimum is done and nobody thinks they can aspire to greatness. “Good Enough” is the attitude of the day and people think the days of role models and heroes is over.
Vous ne pouvez pas achetez de nouveaux traits dans la boutique de récompenses.
After your professional athlete Sim organizes a brand new sport, “Glassbolt Ultra Caber Toss” in the ruins of the old Glassbolt Stadium, people from around the region come to either play or cheer on their favorite local teams. Heroes and sports idols emerge once again and people feel encouraged to give 110% and make themselves even better.
Sport – Bodybuilder
The wave of radiation produced by the power plant turned many people into zombies. Those not turned into zombies found themselves severely weakened. Muscles can barely lift what they used to and people struggle just to stand, let alone haul heavy loads or lift heavy objects.
Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer ou vendre les objets qui ont une empreinte de plus 1x1 à partir du moment où ils sont placés et que vous êtes sortis du mode Achat/Construction.
Les Sims peuvent avoir seulement une pile d'objets, dans leur inventaire personnel, à la fois.
Vous ne pouvez pas retirer un objet qui aurait été placé dans l'inventaire, peu importe sa taille. Vous pouvez cependant toujours y ajouter des objets comme bon vous semble.
Your bodybuilder and personal trainer Sim devises a rigorous alternate-day body bulk-up routine designed to take make the meek and the weak into the MIGHTY! Organizing a regional gym, your Sim spends their day whipping everyone in the region back into shape.
Gourou des technologies – Entrepreneur de startup
Le reste du monde a quasiment abandonné tout espoir de sauver la ville. Quelques organismes humanitaires prennent le risque de pénétrer dans la zone, mais ils n'offrent que des objets basiques et de piètre qualité. La région était l'épicentre d'une industrie high-tech dynamique mais tout a été abandonné depuis.
Le luxe est la dernière chose dans la liste des survivants.
Pour chaque catégorie d'objet, vous pouvez acheter ou utiliser seulement celui ayant la moins bonne qualité. Pour cette restriction, les lits doubles et les lits simples sont deux catégories différentes. Si une autre restriction interdit une catégorie d'objet, cette restriction est prioritaire jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit levée, même si vous levez la restriction sur la qualité.
En manipulant intelligemment la loi et à l'aide de quelques connaissances techniques, votre Sim rachète et relance les usines high-tech précédemment abandonnées dans la zone contaminée. Les objets fabriqués à partir de matériaux de meilleurs qualités et construits en utilisant des techniques avancées sont maintenant disponibles pour tous les habitants de la région.
Gourou des technologies - E-sportif professionnel
The backbone servers and fiber optic cables that used to bring the internet to the region were fried during the meltdown. Now power is scarce, electronics are faulty and computers are crippled in their functionality. Cell phone towers were taken out too, crippling phone functionality to the region.
L'ordinateur peut être utilisé seulement pour les tâches quotidiennes requises pour le travail de votre Sim (si ces tâches nécessitent l'utilisation d'un ordinateur) et rien d'autre. Le téléphone peut être utilisé seulement pour prendre ou quitter un travail et ne peux pas être utilisé pour jouer à des jeux, discuter, envoyer des messages, faire des blagues ou inviter d'autres Sims.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter, placer ou utiliser une télé ou une tablette.
Fed up with their jury-rigged connection to the outside world, your Sim takes their network connectivity know-how and leads a community effort to restore servers, cell towers, and reconnects the fiber optics. Suddenly, internet speeds are 10 times that of the rest of Sim Nation. Handy not having an ISP monopoly.
Affaires – Investisseur
Commerce and trade used to be a cornerstone of the Glassbolt region. All of that is in shambles now. While there are some companies importing some basic survival items into the region, nobody is bothering to try and export anything. The assumption that there is nothing of value to export and that whatever is exported might be tainted with the lingering radiation means that nothing of value is leaving the region, and very little money is flowing back in.
Vous ne pouvez pas vendre les objets du mode Achat/Construction ou des objets collectés/recoltés. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des interactions impliquant le conseil Geologique pour les objets trouvés. Vous ne pouvez pas publier de livres (vous pouvez auto-publier) ou des chansons.
Vous ne pouvez pas écrire ou vendre des jingles.
The region is ripe with opportunity and your Sim sees this. Flush with cash and strong with clout, your sim convinces a major shipping company to invest in the region, publishing the stories of the survivors, buying excess goods to re-sell as “Survivor Vintage”, and to labs for scientific study. While the new company makes a mint on this new opportunity, it also opens the door for some much needed cash to flow into the pockets of those living there. A true win/win for everyone involved.
Affaires – Gestion
It is amazing that some companies have remained in the region. But it soon becomes clear that most of them are taking advantage of the situation and labor standards are being ignored to the detriment of the workers. With unemployment so high, bosses feel free to use and abuse their workers and fire them on a whim knowing they can be easily replaced.
Vous ne pouvez pas pendre des jours de congés, que ce soit des congés normaux ou des congés familaux. Si votre Sim manque le travail, est en retard ou quitte le travail plus tôt, il doit quitter son travail et ne peuvent pas reprendre le même. Si un Sim quitte son travail volontairement, ou change de travail, ce Sim ne peut pas reprendre son ancien travail.
Les séniors ne peuvent pas prendre leur retraite. Les enfants et les ados ne peuvent pas faire l'école buissonnière.
Ces restrictions ne s'appliquent pas à la scolarité des jeunes Sims mais les emplois à mi-temps des adolescents sont concernés.
Lorsqu'un Sim est au travail, vous pouvez choisir de travailler normalement ou de travailler dur mais ne pouvez pas sélectionner un autre mode.
Note : les Sims qui possède le trait "Fainéant professionnel" ne sont pas concernés par cette restriction.
Haven risen through the ranks of the business world, your Sim declares that the practice of mistreating workers must end. Your sim’s company has enough business and legal connections to other businesses in the region and pressures other businesses in the region to do the same. Working conditions for everyone improve overnight.
Culinaire – Chef
The destruction in the region has cut gas lines and made the electricity grid very unstable. As a result, gas and electrical appliances can’t be relied on to cook and preserve food. The citizens of the area are forced to resort to more primitive cooking methods and living off the land to stave off starvation.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter, placer ou utiliser les frigos, gazinières, fours, fours micro-onde ou glacières. La nourriture autre que poisson ne peut pas être cuisinée au barbecue ou au feu de camp. Si vous n'avez pas le pack Destination Nature, vous pouvez cuisiner autre chose que du poisson mais vous devrez placer un poisson dans l'inventaire familial à chaque fois que vous cuisinez.
After breaking the Simmish Book of World Records for hosting the largest soup kitchen for the region, your culinary master Sim attracts the attention of the world’s most famous chefs. Seeing the plight of the region they form the global food fund to ship truckloads of fresh food to the region as well as repair the gas lines and electrical infrastructure, allowing the people of the region to once again make and eat good food.
Culinaire – Mixologue
There is something in the water. In fact, there is something in all liquids that are made in the region. The radiation in the air seems to easily trickle into liquids making drinking anything a risky and unhealthy affair. Only the juices and liquids locked in fresh food seem to be safe, which is just enough to stave off total dehydration.
Les Sims ne doivent boire aucune boisson au bar. Ils ne peuvent pas boire les potions de récompenses. Ils ne doivent rien boire qui sorte du frigo ou d'une glacière et ne peuvent pas se laver les dents.
Les enfants ne doivent pas être nourris au biberon.
Votre Sim peut préparer des boissons pour s'entrainer mais il doit ensuite les jeter.
After ages spent mixing drinks, trying to make something drinkable, your master Mixologist sim stumbles on a genius drink mix that, when added to any liquid, neutralizes the radiation and renders the liquid safe to drink. Cheap and easy to make, your Sim distributes this miracle drink mix to the whole region, allowing Sims everywhere to raise a glass and drink to their health.
Astronaute – Ranger de l'espace
The radiation cloud released by the meltdown has taken the form of a dark and grim cloud, blocking out much of the sky and sunlight. The presence of the cloud makes sleeping outdoors unsafe and the lack of sunlight sets the entire region on edge, unable to appreciate the beauty of many objects around them.
Tous les objets doivent se trouver entre quatre murs et sous un toit et les Sims ne peuvent pas dormir dehors.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas voyager ou partir en vacances à Granite Falls (si vous avez le pack D.A.).
Les Sims ne doivent pas observer les étoiles ou regarder les nuages ou utiliser le téléscope pour observer le ciel.
Vous ne devez pas activer les auras sur les objets qui en possèdent.
Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de tente.
La boite au lettre, la poubelle et la fusée ne sont pas affectés par l'obligation de se trouver sous un toit.
With a heroic mission in low orbit, your brave space ranger sim is able to harness the power of the solar winds to pull the radioactive cloud out of the atmosphere and send it into space, clearing the sky and letting the region breathe a little easier and actually see the sun once in a while.
Astronaute – Trafiquant interstellaire
The prototype designs for the next generation of objects was stolen from the region’s high tech industrial sector during the chaos and confusion of the meltdown. The knowledge of how to make those unique and special objects has been lost. Worse still, the blueprints for do-it-yourself improvements are missing, rendering the handysims of the region clueless on how to improve the functionality.
Vous ne pouvez pas placer, vendre ou utiliser les récompenses de carrière. Vous ne pouvez pas améliorer des objets, sauf la fusée.
While your Interstellar Smuggler went on an epic quest to steal back the stolen plans, their efforts were ultimately in vain as the thieves were found dead and the laptop with the stolen plans broken beyond repair. Luckily all the gadgets, trinkets and high tech modifications your Sim developed while preparing for their mission were more than enough to replace the knowledge lost. Your Sim releases the plans to the region for all to use.
Peintre – Maître du réel
Art has taken a back seat to survival. Who wants to look at drawings when one doesn’t know where their next meal will come from? Anyone who had artistic talent in the region has forgotten how to make emotionally powerful objects.
Vos Sims ne peuvent pas peindre de peintures émouvantes. Les Sims bricoleurs ne peuvent créer d'objets émouvants sur l'établi (les objets avec seulement un score d'environnement ne rentrent pas dans cette catégorie).
Les écrivains ne peuvent pas écrire de livres émouvants.
Your Master of the Real realizes how to break through the tragic haze in the region and once again master their emotions and put that mastery into their creations allowing the region’s art scene to be revived and develop a unique style of its own.
Peintre – Mécène
The outside world is largely cut off from those in the region. Given that there is no market for works of art within the region itself as your fellow survivors care more about food and shelter than pretty pictures, even the greatest masterpiece will go unheeded and the greatest artists unrewarded for their work.
Vous ne pouvez pas vendre d'objets crées par un Sim. Vous ne pouvez pas auto-publier des livres.
Having attracted the attention of major international art gallery using their connections, your Sim establishes an art auction house where the artists of the region can go to get real money for their works of art. There is a robust market for creations from the region as suffering and struggle felt by the artists of the region make for very memorable and valueble creations.
Écrivain – Auteur
The libraries and the bookstores are gone. Only stray books can be found these days. If your Sim wants to read more than the handful of books that come with new bookshelves, they had better hope they know a local author or write one themselves.
Vous ne pouvez pas commander de livres depuis une bibliothèque (l'objet) ou l'ordinateur, et vous ne pouvez pas visiter la bilibothèque (le lieu), et ce même si vous pouvez visiter les autres types de lieux.
The written word is indeed powerful and your prolific author has penned enough books to restock the entire region and setup an ordering service for sims to buy books from the outside world. The money earned from all this is used to rebuild the regional libraries.
Écrivain – Journaliste
The state of the region is terrible. The sanitation system is in ruins, medicine is scarce and the worst part is…the rest of the world doesn’t realize how bad it is. Rather than properly investigate the region, the major media outlets of the world have largely glossed over the events in Glassbolt. The rest of the world doesn’t know how bad it actually is and because of this few seem eager to lend a hand.
Vous ne pouvez pas acheter ou utiliser des douches, baignoires ou des combinaisons douches/baignoires.
Vous devez toujours utiliser l'option "Essayer de faire un bébé" si elle est disponible.
Vous ne pouvez pas faire de test de grossesse.
Your crack investigative journalist Sim manages to do a stellar piece. Gathering photos, quotes, events, and evidence of exactly how bad things have gotten in the region. They then release this to the world. International aid organizations spring into action. Doctors come to help out the sick and provide much needed pharmaceutical items, including birth control and pregnancy testing items. A joint effort quickly repairs the sewage and water sanitation systems, allowing clean…ish and free flowing water to return to everyone still living in the area.
Agent secret – Agent du diamant
The radiation released by the meltdown wasn’t just your normal, run-of-the-mill radiation. The plant was experimental and the resulting radiation has had some…unique effects on those who were near the power plant when it blew. Zombies. And not just regular zombies, but RADIOACTIVE zombies roam the major streets. It is unclear what makes them tick or what they are after, but it is not safe to travel between neighborhoods, lest the zombie hordes get you. The thread of zombies have made people paranoid about letting anyone into their homes.
Les Sims ne doivent pas se rendre sur les terrains communautaires ou les maisons voisines (ils peuvent quand même visiter l'espace public autour d'eux, tant que cela ne cause pas un écran de chargement. Cela n'empêche pas les Sims de partir au travail).
Vous ne pouvez pas faire quitter le foyer à un Sim (sauf lors de l'emménagement initial, si le foyer de votre fondateur comporte plus d'une personne).
After infiltrating the zombie hordes and doing some acts of seduction that your Sim would rather not talk about, your Diamond Agent Sim finds the source of the zombies’ power. The Evil Dr. Vu is controlling them and using the nuclear disaster as a cover. After destroying Vu’s nefarious device, the zombies all return to normal, leaving the streets clear and neighborhoods safe.
Agent secret – Méchant
Something must have snapped in the mind of Glassbolt’s mayor. When the meltdown took the life of his pet llama, the mayor went a little insane, enacting bizarre zoning laws and mobilizing the region’s fire and police forces to enforce them while ignoring the suffering and other problems that a police force might otherwise be able to help with.
Lorsque vous débutez le challenge, vous devez choisir une zone 8x8 sur votre terrain. Vous pouvez construire uniquement dans cette zone. Rien ne doit être placé à l'exterieur de celle-ci.
Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ou vendre les urnes ou tombes et vous ne pouvez pas libérer les esprits.
Your villain, aggravated by this insane and clearly incompetent mayor’s rules, has decided to take down the figure of authority and seize power for his or herself. Through some careful manipulation from the shadows and some very good use of minions and henchmen, your Sim manages to stage a little ‘accident’ for the mayor mere minutes after being named deputy mayor themselves. While there isn’t exactly a lot of wealth and power to gained from ruling a devistated region, at least your Sim can do away with the previous mayor’s silly laws while they ponder ways to exploit their new-found authority.
Artiste – Musicien
The people of the region have difficulty relaxing. Living in a nuclear hell-hole has a way of keeping you focused on the here and now. Music is seen as a waste of time and the local radio stations have all been destroyed in the disaster. People seem more set in their ways and stubborn to try new things or give into their changing impulses.
Les Sims peuvent utiliser l'interaction "S'entrainer" sur les instruments de musique et aucune autre interaction.
Ils ne peuvent acheter aucun appareil qui diffuse de la musique.
Vous ne pouvez pas changer l'aspiration d'un Sim, même si vous l'avez complétée. Vous pouvez seulement en sélectionner une nouvelle quand un enfant passe au stade adolescent.
Vous ne pouvez pas annuler des "envies".
With your Sim filling the air with beautiful music, the people of the region are inspired to rebuild the radio stations just so they can hear your Sim play. Hope is renewed and people feel more at ease and flexible in how they approach life.
Artiste – Humoriste
The people of the Glassbolt region are a depressed group, and rightfully so. But depression feeds more depression and people become more hesitant to gather together or even look at themselves in a mirror. Nobody laughs or feels they can make merry and everyone is on edge.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas organiser de fêtes ou partir en rencard.
Vous ne pouvez pas inviter d'autres Sims à venir sur votre terrain.
Vous pouvez faire emménager seulement un Sim par génération dans votre foyer.
Les Sims ne peuvent pas utiliser de miroir.
With a star comedian touring the region , the people of Glassbolt learn to laugh again even at themselves. People may still look like hell, but at least they are more comfortable joking about it. With everyone being a lot less self-conscious, people once again gather for events and are more comfortable joining others.
Criminel – Patron
The one thing that wasn’t destroyed by the blast was the local mob. With law enforcement severely weakened and unable to maintain order, the mob has volunteered itself to ‘protect’ the residents. The upside is that burglaries are non-existent. The downside is that this ‘protection’ has a price – everythMing you made that week. Residents are in such bad shape, that saying ‘no’ is not an option.
A chaque fois que vous recevez des factures, payez-les (si vous pouvez) et réduisez les fonds de votre foyer à zéro en utilisant le code "money" (ouvre la console de triche, puis entrez "testingcheats true" et appuyer sur entrée. Tapez "money 0" et appuyez sur entrée).
Vous ne pouvez pas dépenser d'argent tant que vous avez des factures impayées ou à partir du moment où le facteur apparaît sur le terrain et ce jusqu'à ce que les factures soient payées et les fonds du foyer réduits à zéro.
Beating the mob is not an option, but if you can’t beat them, join them. As the big boss in charge, the mob plays by your Sim’s rules. And their rules say ‘no protection payments are to be drawn from my family for life’. And when the boss speaks, the goons listen.
Criminel – Oracle
Things are bad, but they seem almost artificially bad. As if the universe was conspiring against the people of Glassbolt at the whim of some cruel otherworldly power. Sadly, the people of Glassbolt are powerless to act upon this paranoid feeling and must go about their lives.
Vous en pouvez pas utiliser le code moveobjets.
Vous ne pouvez pas télécharger ou importer un Sim depuis la galerie ou placer un Sim dans le quartier (autre que votre fondateur au début du challenge).
Vous devez utiliser le code money pour retirer toute somme d'argent apporté par un Sim emménageant dans le foyer (si il apporte de l'argent).
Your master hacker Sim manages to tap into the matrix. They almost go mad from the revelation. They are just a simulation, a computer program. And the state of the region is that way because of some ‘challenge’ being played. Unable to escape from the simulation, the orcacle finds little ways to get ahead and manipulate their player’s computer to make things easier for their family.
As an added bonus, upon lifting the Oracle restrictions, you may legally use the “Kaching” cheat once per Sim day (Other money cheats are still restricted)
Sport – Athlète professionnel
People feel hopeless in the region. The bare minimum is done and nobody thinks they can aspire to greatness. “Good Enough” is the attitude of the day and people think the days of role models and heroes is over.
Vous ne pouvez pas achetez de nouveaux traits dans la boutique de récompenses.
After your professional athlete Sim organizes a brand new sport, “Glassbolt Ultra Caber Toss” in the ruins of the old Glassbolt Stadium, people from around the region come to either play or cheer on their favorite local teams. Heroes and sports idols emerge once again and people feel encouraged to give 110% and make themselves even better.
Sport – Bodybuilder
The wave of radiation produced by the power plant turned many people into zombies. Those not turned into zombies found themselves severely weakened. Muscles can barely lift what they used to and people struggle just to stand, let alone haul heavy loads or lift heavy objects.
Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer ou vendre les objets qui ont une empreinte de plus 1x1 à partir du moment où ils sont placés et que vous êtes sortis du mode Achat/Construction.
Les Sims peuvent avoir seulement une pile d'objets, dans leur inventaire personnel, à la fois.
Vous ne pouvez pas retirer un objet qui aurait été placé dans l'inventaire, peu importe sa taille. Vous pouvez cependant toujours y ajouter des objets comme bon vous semble.
Your bodybuilder and personal trainer Sim devises a rigorous alternate-day body bulk-up routine designed to take make the meek and the weak into the MIGHTY! Organizing a regional gym, your Sim spends their day whipping everyone in the region back into shape.
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