6 years ago
I need help with my Python script(SOLVED)
Can someone tell what I am doing wrong? I have this script
This shutoffs the power, but it doesn't add the tooltip, and The interactions are not there. What I am doing wrong?
Heres how I want it to look:
Heres how mine looks:
import services
import sims4.commands
from sims.household_utilities.utility_types import UtilityShutoffReasonPriority, Utilities
@sims4.commands.Command('poweron', command_type=sims4.commands.CommandType.Live)
def offgridelectro(_connection=None):
household_id = services.owning_household_id_of_active_lot()
utilities_manager = services.utilities_manager(household_id)
utilities_manager.shut_off_utility(Utilities.POWER, UtilityShutoffReasonPriority.OFF_THE_GRID, tooltip="Power doesn't work off-the-grid")
This shutoffs the power, but it doesn't add the tooltip, and The interactions are not there. What I am doing wrong?
Heres how I want it to look:
Heres how mine looks: