7 years ago
Question about editing cc for "personal use"
I have seen some modders say that they don't want you to alter your cc unless it is for personal use. This I assume means don't then upload the edited piece of cc for others to download, but...
Are you allowed to post pictures of your sims wearing said edited cc? Is that not allowed, or would that be a preference that changes with the different modders, like would I have to consult them "hi, my sim is wearing an edited version of your skin tone or something, can I post a picture of this sim" or would that be weird...
And if I do post a picture of said sim do I have to be all "credits to so and so for this skin I edited"? Like I understand don't take credit for someone else's work, and obviously if someone asked me outright where the skin came from I'd credit the modder and I wouldn't let people download my edited skin, but I don't understand if you post a picture do you have to then go and credit and link to every single piece of cc and mod you used in the picture or is it ok if you just post the picture and go...
And do you assume that all modders will let you edit things for personal use or do you have to ask them.. My TOU for myone single pose pack lol on the sims 4 studio was no editing for even personal use but I realized that's kinda stupid so I went and changed that like literally just now but um... Other modders that actually know what they're doing with their TOU, do they all allow for edits for personal use or do you have to ask them, or..?
Thankyou if you can answer any of these questions!
Are you allowed to post pictures of your sims wearing said edited cc? Is that not allowed, or would that be a preference that changes with the different modders, like would I have to consult them "hi, my sim is wearing an edited version of your skin tone or something, can I post a picture of this sim" or would that be weird...
And if I do post a picture of said sim do I have to be all "credits to so and so for this skin I edited"? Like I understand don't take credit for someone else's work, and obviously if someone asked me outright where the skin came from I'd credit the modder and I wouldn't let people download my edited skin, but I don't understand if you post a picture do you have to then go and credit and link to every single piece of cc and mod you used in the picture or is it ok if you just post the picture and go...
And do you assume that all modders will let you edit things for personal use or do you have to ask them.. My TOU for my
Thankyou if you can answer any of these questions!