Yes, that's what I am suggesting. If the 3rd chandelier object does use the colors from one of the others, then it might show up in the game with your recolors on it if you put your files in for all 3 chandeliers in the mods folder. It might not too. There could be something else going on. So, only one way to find out is to do it. Worse case is if it doesn't show. If that doesn't work, then you might want to remake your recolors as add on swatches and see if that works.
On the stand alone vs swatch CC. When you add a swatch to an existing game object, the original game object is not affected at all. What you get is a separate file with your CC recolors with no mesh in it. The difference between the two ways to do it is that a stand-alone occupies a new spot in the catalog making the catalog one object bigger. Creating a swatch just displays your recolor along with the already present game recolors when you click on the object in the catalog. Bottom line is that you can't harm the original object by creating a swatch. The file itself is safe from you changing it. But that doesn't mean that the object will display your recolors, or even the out of the box colors properly if you mess up your added swatches somehow. You might get the red or black checkerboard pattern or something similar. But if it does, just removing your CC file will let the object show correctly again. Might have to delete the localthumbcache file though.
If I can remember in the morning, I'll take a look at those chandeliers in S4S and see if any of mine look like your picture.
Lol! I guess I ought to ask which chandeliers you are dealing with. I was thinking it was the Horse Ranch candlelit chandeliers but I see in you pic, it's a crystal chandelier. So, if you don't mind, what is the catalog name of the 3 objects?
Hope this helps.