Sims won't put items on selves post October 2023 patch
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Everything except Horse Ranch EP, Werewolves, Wedding Stories, Journey to Batuu Game packs, Paranormal Stuff packs, and Pastel Pop, Desert Luxe, Little Campers, Moonlight Chic, Decor to the Max, Carnaval Streetwear, Modern Menswear, Incheon Arrivals, Fashion Street, Courtyard Oasis Kits. Everything else is in my game.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? So unsure if it would be considered mod related but not sure what other things the sins create that would be put on a shelf so, if I use the Canning Factory (repurposed cupcake machine) by Simsonian Library my sims will now walk to any nearest surface that isn't a shelf even if its on a different floor or if I lock them in the room they set the created items on the floor. Pre the October Patch it was working fine and they would put the created items on a shelf that I placed right next to the canning factory.
What happens when the bug occurs? if I use the Canning Factory (repurposed cupcake machine) by Simsonian Library my sims will now walk to any nearest surface that isn't a shelf even if its on a different floor or if I lock them in the room they set the created items on the floor. Pre the October Patch it was working fine and they would put the created items on a shelf that I placed right next to the canning factory.
What do you expect to see? My sims putting the created items on the shelf like they did before I installed the October patch.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The issue started after I installed the October patch 2 days ago. I'd waited until the mods I use were updated or cleared.
I have tested to be sure it wasn't related to any other mod (assuming the canning factory isn't the only issue). I tried removing multiple mods and then trying to reproduce the issue and removing all but the canning factory but it continues to happen. I can't thing of another way to test the sims not putting something on a shelf. But the day before I did the patch my sims were putting items on the shelf I keep right next to the Canning Factory like they usually would.
@delphy35z I just searched for the mod and I see that it hasn't been updated since 3 January. I also double checked the patch notes and saw they made a couple of changes that could be impacting the mod.
"Backpacks are great for storing things but having one in your lot won’t prevent your Sim from putting books away on the shelves. Leaves more room in your backpack for important things like snacks"
"Dirty dishes can go anywhere, especially during student life. Who hasn’t found that one plate and multiple forks or spoons under their bed after detecting that odd aroma? Ohh, just us? Anyway apparently that isn’t where you should put them, and now neither will Sims who used to put them in the most distant parts of the home. Now they should show a bit more home pride and place dirty dishes in appropriate locations."
Excerpts from
Perhaps you could raise these with the creator. They may be able to adjust the tuning so that sims will prioritize shelves for placing the canning factory items. I really don't think there is anything else you or anyone here will be able to do about that. :-(
In the meantime, maybe you could place a table or a couple countertop cabinets near the factory and drag the items to the shelves. I wish there was something more I could do to help.
EDIT: I just saw the list of shelves you've tried. If you have Get To Work, maybe also try the Industrial Inventory Shelf Unit. This is usually my go-to shelving for when I have a number of larger items. It is listed in the Misc. section of the Surfaces category so I wonder if it behaves differently than those listed in the Display category.