Forum Discussion

superbowled's avatar
4 hours ago

I wish the developers would stop touching their F***ing Game

I Got back into the sims after a month of not playing and was faced with a new update. I usually don't update my game until absolutely have to, but this time I did it anyway as some time has passed since the update released and the mods I use need the game to be updated in order to use the newest feautures. When I boot up my game I had no problem loading into my previous household, but when I try to travel or load a different household I get an infinite loading screen. I already tried reloading the save and updating all my ui mods but it still doesn't work. Mind you the game was working PERFECTLY fine before this. Now I read that my game was automatically updated with DX11 and I heard that it's causing a lot of problems for people.  I've never seen a dev team shoot themselves in the foot as much as I'm seeing the Sim team do it. It's super frustating when you are just trying to play the game but have to keep rebooting it for 30+ mins in order to find which mods are causing the problem. I enjoy playing the sims but it's stuff like this that really makes me stray away from this headache. 

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