5 years ago
Friday Highlight May 22 - A week on The Sims forums
Hey there Simmers!
Guess who's here to share some great threads for you to visit this beautiful Friday...? I'll give you a hint - not Eliza Pancakes!
Ok, so what do I have for you? Let me start with a picture to add some color to this post:
Not only a stunning view for a lovely screenshot - this lot by @simmer_jay is also available on the Gallery! Found I challenge you to renovate this Château!', by @illustratedhappiness. Even if you are not up for a challenge, you need to open that link and take a look at the pictures!
Right next we have another challenge - this time for those of you looking for a long one that encourages you to try a lot of different skills, careers and aspirations. I'm talking about @MizzTura's 'How do you approach The Sims as a game?'. If I tried to explain what this topic is about in a short sentence I would fail misserably so click and take a look!
For our last stop let's check 'The Sims Franchise' section. Here, @Kpoi is asking us 'What is your favorite feature, even tiny one, in the franchise? (Not just the "main" games)'. So there you have it: no matter what The Sims game you play, this one is waiting for you!
Almost time for me to wrap up, but I have one more topic to share before that. If you have been offline this week or haven't read that yellow message up there, let me tell you: we had an Eco Lifestyle Livestream, and it's very worth a watch if you want to know more about the upcoming pack.
That's it from me for the week, but you can expect more recommendations next Friday!
Until then... happy Simming weekend!
Guess who's here to share some great threads for you to visit this beautiful Friday...? I'll give you a hint - not Eliza Pancakes!
Ok, so what do I have for you? Let me start with a picture to add some color to this post:
Not only a stunning view for a lovely screenshot - this lot by @simmer_jay is also available on the Gallery! Found I challenge you to renovate this Château!', by @illustratedhappiness. Even if you are not up for a challenge, you need to open that link and take a look at the pictures!
Almost time for me to wrap up, but I have one more topic to share before that. If you have been offline this week or haven't read that yellow message up there, let me tell you: we had an Eco Lifestyle Livestream, and it's very worth a watch if you want to know more about the upcoming pack.
That's it from me for the week, but you can expect more recommendations next Friday!
Until then... happy Simming weekend!