5 years ago
Friday Highlight October 2 - A week on The Sims forums
Sul sul Simmers!
It's official now - today is the start of the spooky season! 😱
Are you looking forward to all things ghastly and ghoulish or do you rather prefer everything lovely and bright?
And in the spirit of October, let's jump into today's highlights!
I'm a witch at heart - what's your favourite spooky costume? Comment below! :smiley:
Here we go (don't worry, spookiness was not a mandatory criterion for this week's picks!):
That's it for this week - happy October to all of you! I hope you enjoyed today's highlights and, as always, if you have any recommendations, please send them my way!
Have a great weekend and take care! :heart:
- Leeloo
It's official now - today is the start of the spooky season! 😱
Are you looking forward to all things ghastly and ghoulish or do you rather prefer everything lovely and bright?
And in the spirit of October, let's jump into today's highlights!
I'm a witch at heart - what's your favourite spooky costume? Comment below! :smiley:
Here we go (don't worry, spookiness was not a mandatory criterion for this week's picks!):
- If you are looking for a fun, entertaining building/design challenge to keep you busy this month, check out @rosemow's thread "One Room, One Week, One Theme"! :)
- And now that we have created the themed room of our dreams, we need to talk about neighborhoods. But let's make it more interesting: @Simbastien asks "What Sims location would you live in?" Y'all already know where I would want to live (Sulani ofc!) but I'd love to read about your dream location! :heart:
- Okay, now that our dream location is sorted and our living room is redecorated according to the latest theme, let's have some fun! @JesxSims challenges you to "Respond as your Sim!" If only I could decide which one of my Sims I should choose for this ...?! :confounded:
- Since we are all in a chatty mood already, let's move over to The Sims Franchise and chat some more! :smiley: But this time, let's make it a bit spooky and look at the "Unique deaths in The Sims" shared by @simgirl1010. I have to admit, I had forgotten about quite a few but this sure was a fun - yet very morbid - trip down memory lane! :lol:
- And to finish up, let's stay spooky. The Sims 3 has plenty of chilling elements to it, too, of course - ghosts being one of them! @Mikezumi's thread "Ghosts having fun/misbehaving" is a great collection of exactly that! Who says being a ghost has to be sad and boring? Definitely not us! So, go ahead and share your own ghostly screenshots - now, that's the spirit! (See what I did there?) 👻
That's it for this week - happy October to all of you! I hope you enjoyed today's highlights and, as always, if you have any recommendations, please send them my way!
Have a great weekend and take care! :heart:
- Leeloo