The competitions and or revial groups of which version is better will go on for as long as there remains any current Sim game. That's to be expected. It's like Sheldon always picking which Spock is better, and or which Star Trek version is more believable and of course which captain. lol We can't ever expect quarrels over which one people like best to ever be a thing of the past. Because there is the game play to critique, the art styles, the depth, the Sims themselves (personalities) and the prices or content etc. Those disagreements are logically expected in my book.
Because I hate to say it but with every iteration there is always someone who will say the brand new game is the best ever, though it might not be, simply because it's new.
People also put emotional attachements on games, or activities in their lives, depending on what was happening that may have influenced why they became attached to something comes into play, too. It always will, no matter how much we might want to deny that. Nostalgia is part of our choices, but not always the only reasons, of course, but it does play a part in the 'love' we feel sometimes for something. And over look any flaw or thing that at the time was But if you have to defend your decision it's human nature to defend it and overlook any flaw and say well, that doesn't bother you/us but we know it does, so we aren't always intellectually honest. But we decide that thing that annoys is not worth throwing something in the trash. So, these type of disagreements will always be a thing, even when we see TS5 it will get derailed, too by those who like TS4 better, and trashed by those who think TS4 is the all and all. It happens every time, nothing new it happens in all serials that have forums.
But at the moment games or the internet etc. doesn't seem so important anymore when people are dying. And seems lately everyone out in the world has forgotten all about that.