Items Went Missing When Storing a Room into The Inventory
I accidentally removed my bedroom and moved it into my inventory while decorating. One of my Sims was doing a Quick Hobby Event and her writing desk that was in that room as well as all items in it are gone. I have checked my inventories and every item that is missing is checked as green, therefore it proves that I already bought or acquired them. Pretty bummed out because some of the items are won from different events. I have also purchased extras for some of the missing items. Below are the items as well as the quantity of each one that is missing, and screenshots of all of them:
1. Carved Cario Drawers (x1)
2. Counting Sheep Double Bed (x1)
3. Davenport Writing Desk (x1)
4. Avant-Garde Angular Lamp (x2)
5. Luxurious Hanging Lantern (x1)
6. Live Edge Dining Rug (x1)
7. Future Sight Crystal Ball (x1)
8. Downright Fancy Chair (x1)
9. End of the Day Table (x2)
10. Lover’s Vase (x1)
11. Fern Urn (x1)
12. Luxuriously Elegant Mirror (x1)
13. Reflected Perfection Wall Mirror (x1)
14. Burning Wall Lamps (x1)
15. Marvell’s Pastroral Paradise (x1)