Forum Discussion

Re: [Open] Story gone after selling duplicate heirloom

I'm also having this issue. I just contacted EA Help about it...

I wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't happened to the Pumpkin Spice Story Heirloom, but after it did I noticed I'm missing several Heirlooms/ Charms;

Here's a table of everything I should have, the heirlooms in my Inventory, and the Missing Heirlooms.

Ownedin InventoryMissing
Study Buddies Besties Study Stack
Debasing DebatersRival Debaters Binders 
Pumpkin Spice Lover Pumpkin Spice Storybook
Mysterious BenefactorMedical Injector 
More than Friends with BenefitsMore than Friends Storybook 
Athletic I Roger's Athletic Charm
Artistic IAesthetically Artistic Charm 
Attuned ILlamaste Attuned Charm 
Magnetic IBeebee's Magnetic Charm 
Kind of a Big Deal IGoth Boys Groove Charm 
Pickpocket IMorbicus Pickpocket Charm 
Pickpocket IIMorbicus' Silver Pickpocket Charm 
Genius I Dr. F's Genius Charm
Genius IIDr F's Silver Genius Charm 
Party Animal I Buddy's Party Charm
Party Animal II 
Buddy's Silver Party Charm
Party Animal IIIBuddy's Gold Party Charm 
Alluring I Yuki's Allure Charm
Alluring IIYuki's Silver Allure Charm 
Raincheck PleaseRaincheck Please Storybook 
Creative I Violet's Creativity Charm
Mean I Carl's Mean Charm
Good II 
Elmira's Silver Benevolence Charm
Good IIIElmira's Gold Benevolence Charm 
Generous II 
Poppy's Silver Generosity Charm
Generous IIIPoppy's Gold Generosity Charm 
Ambitious II 
Gabby's Silver Ambition Charm
Ambitious IIIGabby's Gold Ambition Charm 
Artisan I Trevor's Artisan Charm
Artisan IITrevor's Silver Artisan Charm 

I can confirm that I should have several of these - for example the Charms for First Level Traits (e.g. Artisan I) When I have Second Level Traits (e.g. Artisan II)

I just crafted the Pumpkin Spice Storybook in the Eco Workshop recently- The week of October 19. I took a screenshot of it in the Eco Workshop because I was so excited it showed up. I didn't take a picture of it when I completed the project because I didn't think this would happen. It still shows in the "My Heirloom Collection" Screen, but is missing from inventory.

I've attached images of my House Inventory (None of my Heirlooms are displayed in my house, they should all be in Storage)

I've also attached the screen that shows my Relationship Stories - the two stories in the table above are no longer available to my Sims.

I've also attached the screen that shows My Heirloom Collection - it shows the missing traits as there, unlike traits and stories I have never unlocked, which are just greyed out.

This post will only allow me to attach 3 files so I'll be replying with more.

2 Replies

  • nidoran1234's avatar
    5 years ago

    Here is the image of when I got the Pumpkin Spice Storybook in the Eco Workshop.

    I didn't take a picture after I had already crafted it. That was the week of October 19th 2020.

    After I successfully crafted the Pumpkin Spice Storybook, I wanted to craft the Cool at the Pool Cover-Up, but I didn't think I'd be able to get enough materials from Workshop Shifts before deadline. So I crafted the Tropical Chinos in Slot 1 instead, even though I thought they were ugly.

    Hopefully Ea advisors get back to me.

  • EA_Kipling's avatar
    Icon for EA QV Team rankEA QV Team
    5 years ago

    @nidoran1234 That's a lot of data that should help us investigate the issue. Could you PM me your Player ID so I can take a look?

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