3 months agoRising Novice
Scrolling around the map
Hi all. I am running the game on my android tablet, using Firefox and scripts via Tamper Monkey, the game is running fine except I cannot scroll around the map or zoom in and out. So I can only se...
- 3 months ago
(function () { const androidHelper = () => { if (!window.ClientLib || !window.qx || !qx.core.Init.getApplication().initDone) { return setTimeout(androidHelper, 100) } const region = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Region(); const ZoomSpinner = new qx.ui.form.Spinner().set({ value: parseFloat(region.get_ZoomFactor().toFixed(2)), minimum: region.get_MinZoomFactor(), maximum: region.get_MaxZoomFactor(), singleStep: .1, toolTipText: 'Adjust zoom factor', opacity: 0.7 }); ZoomSpinner.addListener("changeValue", e => region.set_ZoomFactor(e.getData())); qx.core.Init.getApplication().getBackgroundArea().add(ZoomSpinner, { right: 125, bottom: 5 }) } androidHelper() })();
this one's for zoom in/out...
updates/alternatives will be posted on
for Right/Left/Up/Down, maybe use the on screen keyboard arrows (i don't know how you can bring it up whenever u need/want it...) ?
(i don't have a test device yet...)