Forum Discussion

deisy711's avatar
11 years ago

12 donuts away from 150 :D

Welcome, you should get Kodos. Why?
You get Kodos(premium)
Crash site
Limited Time

With Frink
You get Frink (premium)
His lab
  • tomlovescake1234 wrote:
    Welcome, you should get Kodos. Why?
    You get Kodos(premium)
    Crash site
    Limited Time

    With Frink
    You get Frink (premium)
    His lab

    true. Since Frink will probably be around much longer I can always save up again :-)
  • tomlovescake1234 wrote:
    Welcome, you should get Kodos. Why?
    You get Kodos(premium)
    Crash site
    Limited Time

    With Frink
    You get Frink (premium)
    His lab

    The ray gun gives 3.75% multiplier (approximate 75 donut value)
    The crash site is useless correct? No bonus or income just an ugly decoration?
    Limited time is the most overrated reason I have seen for purchasing something. Unless you are buying a lot of donuts and are a completionist, get the items you like best. Seeing as it will take you another 8 months to get 150 donuts again, (events excluded) go with the premium items you want the most. I will say, the multipliers have the greater long term benefit for use in game.
  • I'm hoping to get Kodos because I'd like to have both the aliens chortling by my Victorian UFO just all the time. However, I'm only going to get the ray gun if they drop the price a bit.
    Frink, from what I've heard, has major storylines throughout the game, moreso than other premium characters. His lab also earns more than other buildings that come with premium characters (I've done the math, and a few come close, but his is the highest at $35 per hour. Technically, Bumblebee Man is probably the best value for earning cash, but that's a different story.)
    A premium character and a multiplier are great for 100 donuts, but less attractive at 150 when compared to a premium character and an actual building.
    (Yes, I'm aware Kodos is limited time. But limited just means limited, it doesn't mean it will actually enhance my game more.)
  • neuroheart wrote:
    I'm hoping to get Kodos because I'd like to have both the aliens chortling by my Victorian UFO just all the time. However, I'm only going to get the ray gun if they drop the price a bit.
    Frink, from what I've heard, has major storylines throughout the game, moreso than other premium characters. His lab also earns more than other buildings that come with premium characters (I've done the math, and a few come close, but his is the highest at $35 per hour. Technically, Bumblebee Man is probably the best value for earning cash, but that's a different story.)
    A premium character and a multiplier are great for 100 donuts, but less attractive at 150 when compared to a premium character and an actual building.
    (Yes, I'm aware Kodos is limited time. But limited just means limited, it doesn't mean it will actually enhance my game more.)
    I love Kang! He's been my favorite character so far. A couple people have said that on the last days of the event Kodos will be lowered right?
  • Frink's flying machine task is still one of my favorite in the game. His building also fits in well with some of the more techie looking buildings. Plus, they have released accessories for Frink (car, dog). It's a hard call though because Kang/Kodos are also some of my favorites.
  • So Frink has a lot of outdoor tasks? I've only seen Kodos wear some kind of hippy clothing :lol: