Forum Discussion

DarkSamus75's avatar
11 years ago

A lot of subtle changes I like in this update...

Neighbors are now listed in alphabetical order. Nice. Now you can get a better idea how many more neighbors to still have left to visit.
  • glennsoe wrote:
    What happened to the icon in the top corner that showed the different charachters and when you clicked it you were taken to where they were and theire task list came up..

    It saved me time not having to look for my peeps..

    Anyone got a clue?

    The character selector is still there. It only shows when your task book is open and characters are not on task.
  • Also nice is the new origin log-in on the splash screen. Black boxed in the corners and includes your Origin/Forums icon.

    Hate - the "NEW!" label over the freinds icon when you have new requests.

    Like - the new friends interface.
  • Thumbs Up:
      new neighbor's list and ability to delete (new on Android at least)

    Thumbs Down:
      voice files play every time I enter a neighbor's town without even tapping on a character ... so annoying!
      get "other device did not save" EVERY TIME I login even with the same origin ID on the same device!