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5 years ago

Abe's in Toyland: Abe the Toy Soldier Walkthrough

Abe the Toy Soldier Pt. 1

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Death: Look, you need to hurry up these stories. You’re supposed to be chewing coffin dirt by dawn.
Grampa: Don’t get your ghoul underpants in a ghost knot, I’m getting there.
Grampa: World War Two was over. I had an honorable discharge from the Army, and a dishonorable discharge from a skin condition I picked up in Paris.
Grampa: The economy was booming, and every veteran was dating a nurse he’d kissed on V-J day.
Grampa: And yet America was threatened by internal Communist subversives from the USSR.
Grampa: We were headed towards a Christmas nightmare!
Death: I know all about Christmas nightmares.

Task: Collect Toy Soldiers
Task: Make Grampa Tell Another Wild Tale
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Abe the Toy Soldier Pt. 2

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Grampa: So there I was in 1950, looking for a job where I could use the skills I learned in the Army.
Grampa: But there wasn't much demand for potato peelers, despite my vast experience.
Grampa: Then I got lucky!
Philip Hefflin: Hey there, soldier, I work for Whiz Bang toys.
Philip Hefflin: We’re going to make some Army Man toy soldiers, and I’d like to use you as the model.
Philip Hefflin: We’ll pay you a penny for every thousand soldiers we sell.
Young Grampa Simpson: Lemme just do the math… aw, too hard. I assume I’ll be rich!

Task: Collect Toy Soldiers
Task: Make Grampa Model for Whiz-Bang Toys
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Abe the Toy Soldier Pt. 3

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Philip Hefflin: Abe, you’re going to be a fantastic model for our Army Man toys.
Philip Hefflin: Now, take this rifle and imagine you’re pointing it at the enemy.
Young Grampa Simpson: My platoon lieutenant. Got it.
Philip Hefflin: I mean, someone you actually killed.
Young Grampa Simpson: My platoon lieutenant. Got it.

Task: Collect Toy Soldiers
Task: Make Grampa Pose for Reference Shots
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Abe the Toy Soldier Pt. 4

Auto starts

Philip Hefflin: You did a fantastic job posing for those toy soldiers, Abe. You’ve made Whiz Bang Toys very happy.
Federal Agent: And you’ve done a great service to your country.
Young Grampa Simpson: For the first time ever! But how?
Federal Agent: I work for J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. We’re going to use those toy soldiers to root out Communist infiltrators.
Federal Agent: Each one of them has a tiny radio transmitter inside. We’ll be able to hear everything that’s going on inside every home in America.
Federal Agent: As a patriotic American, can I count on you to keep quiet about this?
Young Grampa Simpson: Sir, it’s 1950. Which means I still trust the government.

Task: Collect Toy Soldiers
Task: Make Grampa Keep His Secret
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Abe the Toy Soldier Pt. 5

Auto starts

Grampa: Well, I said I wouldn’t blab about the toys being designed to spy on ordinary Americans.
Grampa: But it turned out my girlfriend at the time was spying on me for the CIA.
Grampa: Lots of spying in those days. Anyway, she told her boss, who didn’t like the FBI stickin’ their noses into his business.
Grampa: They confiscated and melted all the original Army Man soldiers. Whiz Bang had to make a new batch.
Grampa: Which is why, instead of me, they look like Kirk Douglas.

Task: Collect Toy Soldiers
Task: Make Grampa Save America From Intrusive Surveillance
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House
Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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