Forum Discussion

vxmarmitex9's avatar
12 years ago

Accidentally spending donuts!

That has been quite a sticking point for many, EA needs to make a confirmation bar for all donut purchases but unfortunately they do not monitor this forum so they don' see or care to see the need! JMHO

7 Replies

  • VxMarmitex9 wrote:
    The amount of times I've spent donuts on rubbish mystery boxes and white fences because I was getting tap happy through the menus is countless, it makes it almost impossible to save them up! Does anyone else have this problem or am I just impatient? Also, any thoughts if EA should make you confirm your donut purchases?

    Yeah, you could say it's an issue. Until they do something about it, you just have to be careful, I guess. :?
  • sellhigh378 wrote:
    That has been quite a sticking point for many, EA needs to make a confirmation bar for all donut purchases but unfortunately they do not monitor this forum so they don' see or care to see the need! JMHO

    Another reason why the confirmation bar wont be added is - if you can cancel speeding up or buying things by accident then they will lose some revenue and they cant be having that lol :twisted:
  • Ahh thanks! It's a shame they don't monitor the forum, the game would be so easily improved if they did. A confirmation bar would be great but you're right, EA don't really want to be doing themselves out of any money.
  • I did it this morning when I woke up, I had a while town needing collected so I was tapping away a little to fast and sped up a building just after I'd collected, 'luckily' it was a purple house and only wasted 2 donuts but still annoyed :-(
  • psugold wrote:
    Did they add a CANCEL feature where you can click it before the bar fills and the donuts are spent? I swear I never saw this, but last time I clicked by accident to complete with donuts I was able to quickly cancel it before it was done.

    That's been around for a while. Doesn't help you if you close out the rushing screen, by the time you get back its done. I'm extra careful nowadays, haven't accidentally rushed anything in a while.

    But in the past, I accidentally rushed Simpsons House. :? More than once. :roll:
  • Ugh- this has to the thing I hate the most about this game. That and the fact that the "cancel" button DOES NOT WORK, at least on my game. Of course, I also have a Lemon Tree that does not 'work', as well as several buildings that don't give me rent or taxes or whatever... I've written to EA about these, but they haven't been able to fix anything or offer a solution. They really are idiots.
  • Im usually careful enough these days but I left my friend collect for me the other day and she was tap happy and rushed the Simpsons house... I won't let her forget about those two doughnuts in a hurry!! :roll: :D