Forum Discussion

flayfun's avatar
12 years ago

Add a collect all button?

flayfun wrote:
Hi, is it possible you could add a collect all button in the next update please?
As I have maybe 300 white houses, maybe even more and all my other buildings and all the characters etc..
I spend up to an hour collecting and it's starting to put me off playing, I've been a dedicated player for ages and have also spent money on the game, so I don't want to stop playing it but...
Maybe add a collect all button but deduct a percentage of money and Xp collected?
Please consider this as I like to play the game and not tap hundreds of dollar signs for an hour, thanks.

P.S- Before anyone says delete some of my houses, no I'm not going to do that, they earn me a lot of money and Xp and obviously donuts from levelling up so fast. :twisted:
or at last a button to collect all scattered money and xp
  • Not sure what device you're using but on my Android all I have to do is click the $ once and in a few seconds all of the money and experience points from that house/business are collected for me. Probably would be a pain in the butt to click all those houses. I've also found if you start from the left side of the screen and work your way right you can get everything tapped much faster.
  • Yeah mine does collect automatically if I leave it after clicking the dollar sign, I mean I've played the game a long time and over this period of time I probably own way over 500 buildings, which you can obviously imagine how annoying collecting that many each time I log on, so I'm just suggesting a collect all button you can press once and it collects all the money and xp from all the houses with just one click :-)
    But obviously for laziness take a percentage like 10% of the money and xp.
    I do t mind collecting the characters manually, it's just I own so many damn houses lol, I'm sure others have this issue too going from a few of my neighbours, as they have large towns and many houses like i do.
  • I know you have a lot of houses, and thats your perogative but the game is called tapped out, so putting a collect all button kind of goes against one of the aims of the game
  • No not exactly, the button would be optional? As you would be deducted by 10% or you could manually collect them if wanted, would be the players choice :D
  • subii42 wrote:
    I know you have a lot of houses, and thats your perogative but the game is called tapped out, so putting a collect all button kind of goes against one of the aims of the game

    +1 - that was my initial thought lol... oh the perils of having such a large property portfolio :lol:
  • Well tbh it's making me play the game less and less and I've just been scanning through the forums and I can see a few others feel the same, the button could deduct a percentage for laziness,,alternatively... You could manually collect?
    Do the EA admins/moderators actually bloody view these or do they just ignore its paying customers like all IAP games?
    Greedy buggers just throwing out pointless updates, mostly requiring you to buy donuts to own most of the updated items.
    Well I'm sure a lot of people feel the same as me and I won't pay a penny ever again as I can't be bothered playing thei game as a part time job, I have a life and a job and hobbies and no time to play 24/7.
    So until they add an add all button then I'm afraid ill only play when I can be bothered.
    You guys criticising saying it defeats the object of e game... Well if they did add a button, what's saying you have to use it?? You can just aswel collect manually... :evil:
  • subii42 wrote:
    I know you have a lot of houses, and thats your perogative but the game is called tapped out, so putting a collect all button kind of goes against one of the aims of the game

    How so? It's called tapped out . . . And that's it. It's not called Tap Every House. It's not called Spend Ten Minutes Several Times A Day Collecting Pretend Money. Whats funny, is that Tapped Out can also mean to have just had it with something and to be fed up. Probably not a good business model.

    It's a game, and its meant to be enjoyed. Who in their right minds, would make an aim of the game to be as annoying as possible? For what purpose would that serve?

    I bet adding a collect all button would reduce the amount if people who stop playing.
  • I've been wanting this for a long time too. While I don't seem to have as many houses/buildings, it really is a hassle going around to collect from them. Even doing the left-to-right thing, I still get some houses blocked by money/xp and have to do some extra taps or go on to other buildings if I'm impatient. that and the time it takes to visit neighbors were main reasons I started to lose interest in the game but at least EA added new and interesting quests/features to do.

    I wish EA would provide more incentive for continuing the game once your town reaches a certain size and/or you've been consistently at the max level for each update. I know there was another thread with some ideas for the social aspect, since this forum is more social than the game itself. For all the time I've spent and diligently gone through the quests, I wish EA would reward donuts or worthwhile premium items. I've been saving up since the Christmas update and still can't afford the observatory. it's pathetic. of course it didn't help that I'd accidentally spent donuts while collecting money from buildings, and didn't realize they'd finally given players the option to enable donut spending confirmation. also really lame that that wasn't set as the default option.
  • It's called Tapped Out , i.e. tap until you're tired! The reason that they don't have a "collect all" button is because you get THOSE people who have hundreds of brown houses (which I think is disgusting to look at) whereby if they did have a "collect all" button these people hit it every few minutes, which I think is unfair on those people who actually tap all of the buildings/characters individually. Also, that's a lot of white houses, you really don't need more than 50-60 white houses in my opinion.