Well tbh it's making me play the game less and less and I've just been scanning through the forums and I can see a few others feel the same, the button could deduct a percentage for laziness,,alternatively... You could manually collect?
Do the EA admins/moderators actually bloody view these or do they just ignore its paying customers like all IAP games?
Greedy buggers just throwing out pointless updates, mostly requiring you to buy donuts to own most of the updated items.
Well I'm sure a lot of people feel the same as me and I won't pay a penny ever again as I can't be bothered playing thei game as a part time job, I have a life and a job and hobbies and no time to play 24/7.
So until they add an add all button then I'm afraid ill only play when I can be bothered.
You guys criticising saying it defeats the object of e game... Well if they did add a button, what's saying you have to use it?? You can just aswel collect manually... :evil: