Forum Discussion

Nex__2S's avatar
5 years ago

aide pour un nouveau

bonjour a tous,

voila, j'ai commencé a jouer il y a quelques semaines et franchement... j'adore ce jeu!!! homer... mon idole :D

bref, en visitant les villes de mes amis je me rend compte que chacun a sa façon de jouer, mais il y a t-il une façon plus "efficace" pour gagné le plus possible d'argents? en plaçant certain bâtiment par exemple...

merci d'avance a tous ceux qui pourrait m'aider à améliorer au mieux mon springfield.

  • @tstonumberonefan in this case I also think it was rude. In the very first reply by Muhsterino, she told them to speak English. You then had to repeat it. I see no problem with people who ask a question in another language as we check to see what they said in Google. And usually they ask their question get their answer and then are gone because they don't speak English but came here for help.
    It isn't like they are all over the place commenting in another language.
  • @1EllieG7294 @wadebear
    Yeah I see she did tell the op to speak English but in another thread by the op they spoke in French so I asked them to speak English. So when I saw this thread title in french I thought I’d give another reminder to speak English. I genuinely didn’t see her write that bit. Anyway what is wrong with a second reminder? Nothing. Would you both have moaned if it was a moderator who done what I did? No I don’t think so so why round on me? It’s out of order.
  • Can we please draw a line under this? I genuinely didn’t mean to be rude. I was just trying to be helpful.
  • @1EllieG7294 i already said I was sorry as I genuinely didn’t see that post. I don’t always have answers but I would still ask them to speak in English there is nothing wrong with how I’ve done it. Maybe I could have also said sorry I can’t be of assistance but hopefully someone will help you.
  • One last thing from me. I thought this place was about helping people not driving them away that’s how I felt today thanks very much.