5 years ago
All This Jazz: Changes (Update: 9/24)
September 24th Update (All This Jazz)
- The app icon and the splash screen were changed back to normal.
- Quimby's clothes were changed from blue to purple.
- Van Houten House was changed from purple to pink and its design was changed.
- Kang was changed from Premium Female to Premium Male character group.
- Howard K. Duff was added to the Regular Male character group.
- Pop Star Plane can now be placed on Squidport too.
- Rasputin the Friendly Russians' Play with Puppies job now correctly displays the name.
- Grab Sunglasses From 3-D Movie Bins can no longer be done at Springfield Elementary or Brown House. Its location was restored to Heights Theater or Brown House.
- Buying Outdoor Opera Stage now unlocks Sideshow Bob automatically.
- Bart, Lisa and Ralph's Play With Puppies job name was fixed.