Forum Discussion

dhlennon's avatar
11 years ago

Another plea to EA for 20hr Neighbor resets

YES :!:
  • Yes Yes Yes!

    I keep missing times and it's such a pain, if it were 20 hours, or even 22 hours it wouldn't be a problem!
  • FarmerCyn wrote:
    mycosmsea wrote:
    Okay, I honestly do not know what difference it makes. You say 23 hours is better than 24. Does one hour really change how you can visit your friends? I say you need better time management. If you don't have the time don't visit all your friend. Come back later for the rest.

    All things being even and if you are never late, it makes no difference. How many time have you had the game crash while doing your neighbor rounds? This adds time. How many times has the phone rang? This adds time. How many time have you had to search for that last remaining item to click on? This adds time. All these times add up. I figure one hour is enough time to even them back out so you don't have to wait in game between neighbors while clicking. I do agree that 20 hours would be better to even the bigger bumps of schedule changes, but I would be happy just not to wait in game between neighbors while clicking, so for me 23 hours is enough of a change.

    Hope that answer why :)

    ^^Excellent explanation! And for me several crashes at least. So 22 better. I'd even take a reduction in cash dropped to get this.
  • mycosmsea wrote:
    I still don't think the amount of time makes a difference. However, the midnight reset is a good idea.

    I think you might be on a more regimented schedule than some of us...
  • pleeeeeeeeeeease make it 20 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! its always later and later and after a week or 2 weeks u miss a day..
  • I would like this. I just changed from night to morning visits due to falling asleep early and missing it.
  • I would love for this to happen as I work in retail so I usually have a mixture of morning and night shifts which makes visiting every day nearly impossible. Not to mention the various crashes and the whole having a life getting in the way of completing it all at the same time every day.

    EA has been answering quite a few requests (as far as making certain things easier) lately and I don't see how this would be very hard to implement so hopefully it's the next thing that happens.
  • Either a shorter than 24 hr reset or a fixed reset (like the Stonecutters' No1 tasks) would increase my happiness-o-meter.