Forum Discussion

squatch1800's avatar
8 years ago

Deleting Friends

Hello everyone. Question, I have a bunch of friends in my list that have not been online in like forever. I get tired of wasting my time going through their town to find stuff. Now don't get me wrong. I love seeing what they have done. But it's still a waste of time. I have moved them to "hide" and I go back to check on them once in awhile. But if it's over a couple of months I would like to delete them so I can add more. How do I delete friends ? Please help. Thanks.

P.S. if you want to add me. Feel free. I play daily
  • "devilhunt1449;1494200" wrote:
    "adruralo52;1494083" wrote:
    How about friends who are very active but never visit your town? I have around 10 of those.

    Normally I'm not worried if neighbours visit or not but during events that have neighbour interactions then if they don't visit once a week then they could quite possibly be on the good bye list.

    Same here, if you visit me a few times during the event I'm totally OK with that. I just want very active high-level friends who keep their towns beautiful. My biggest pet peeve's is seeing buildings without roads just plopped around. I just removed a little more than a dozen who didn't play during Thanksgiving. Still 84 left...

    I love my friends, and carefully cultivate my list. I've been playing since day 1, on this forum since 2012 and I've had some friends since that time who are still active :)
  • "audiomixdon;1494658" wrote:
    I try to visit everyone too. And when I had a lot less people, it wasn't very hard to do. But 80+ takes over a half hour.

    PatrickSays, I'm going to friend you. I think you'll like my town. I'm a long time player too...

    Checked out your town and really love the fun park area next to Christmas deco's. :)
  • For months I had a "new" sign over the neighbors icon, only to find there was no new neighbor at all. Was driving me nuts.

    So I went through my neighbor list and deleted all the deadwood this week. Guess I'm just sentimental about hanging on to my original neighbors. A few of them hadn't logged on in over a year. And lo and behold, it cleared whatever logjam was preventing the new neighbor confirmation.

    So, sorry new neighboreeno. Didn't mean to leave you hanging like that.
  • "audiomixdon;1494658" wrote:
    I try to visit everyone too. And when I had a lot less people, it wasn't very hard to do. But 80+ takes over a half hour.

    PatrickSays, I'm going to friend you. I think you'll like my town. I'm a long time player too...

    Audio, you can send me one too!