Forum Discussion

Airion69's avatar
11 years ago

FAO a Mod or Admin

Cracker is censored?

Edit: Cracker does not appear to be censored.

  • jacobjdevore wrote:
    Airion wrote:
    It was when the Van Houten update first came out.

    I'm thinking that was just the update's description on the iOS App Store, not on the forum. I could be wrong, though.

    No, you are correct. It was censored in the app store's description.
  • jkeeney73635 wrote:
    I find your forum name a bit on the offensive side.

    Mine? Why?

    And yes, I think it's a very offensive word and people who refer to 'raping' buttons or glitches should be subjected to a stiff education on what that word actually means.

    All this BS and still no Mod.
  • Airion wrote:
    jkeeney73635 wrote:
    I find your forum name a bit on the offensive side.

    Mine? Why?

    And yes, I think it's a very offensive word and people who refer to 'raping' buttons or glitches should be subjected to a stiff education on what that word actually means.

    All this BS and still no Mod.

    So you find it offensive yet you suggest that people be subjected to it simply for using a word on a message board. Yeah makes perfect sense.
  • Airion wrote:
    Can you tell me who I need to speak to about the censorship on the forum. For instance, c-r-a-c-k-e-r is/was censored as we found out in the last update, but for some reason raping is not. I HATE to see that word used in such a pathetic and trivialised manner.

    I'm more than happy to take this to DM or emails, I just need to know who to speak to. Thank you.

    Just wanted to say that I entirely agree with your sentiment - I abhor the casual use of that word out of context. It's incredibly disrespectful and definitely a symptom of * culture.

    That said, censoring it won't fix the problem, which is that these people think it's okay to use the word like that in the first place. It's all part of a much bigger problem, and hiding it won't change it. I can't think of a better action to take - other than calling people out on it personally, which would just invite arguments, so isn't a great idea.