9 years ago
Forum avatar
Hey mandie. You need to get promoted here before you get an avatar. Dunno who thought that was necessary but someone did. :lol: Just keep posting and you'll get a pm from the "system" eventually. T...
ElectroFisK wrote:Other than observation of the mods and interaction with other forum members during my time here, I have no physical proof to offer you. If you think I'm lying to you, feel free to PM any of the mods for clarification. Also, you can review their reactions In This Thread and draw your own conclustions
Do you have any prove of that :?:
ElectroFisK wrote:Who have you contacted at EA to request an explanation? Or are you assuming some EA Oversight Committee will approach you with specific answers to your various random TSTO/EA questions and issues at their leisure?
EA has NOT corrected me on this :!:
ElectroFisK wrote:Agreed. Nor would it harm your chances if you had no signature. Nor would it harm your chances if you posted in only your birthday suit.. Nor would it harm your chances if you set your car on fire . . .
At least it doesn't seem to harm your chance to get promoted to have a signature that stands out.
ElectroFisK wrote:Nope, because they are not and 'tis a moot point.
Does it really matter whether the moderators are involved or not???