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5 years ago

Game of Games The Sequel: A Fat Lot of Good Walkthrough

A Fat Lot of Good Pt. 1

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Milhouse: Guys, I found another one of The Game Master’s high scores. It’s in Chunky Island.
Bart: Isn’t that the adventure game where you play as a kid trying to escape fat camp?
Martin: I read that the kids get separated from the camp counselors and have to fend for themselves.
Martin: Like that book with the British kids stranded on an island. You know, the one whose name I can’t say because it hasn't yet entered public domain.
Bart: Nelson, I think you should play Chunky Island.
Nelson: You calling me fat, Simpson?
Bart: No…but you’re the only one of us who has any experience putting pig heads on spikes.
Nelson: Only because it makes them easier to carry home from the butcher shop.
Nelson: It’s the only pork my mom can afford.

Task: Collect Memory Cards
Task: Make Nelson Play Chunky Island
Time: 4h
Location: Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House

Nelson: Gah, this is impossible! Adventure games always have dumb puzzles and dumb hidden secrets and dumb…dumbness.
Sophie Krustofsky: There IS a home version of this game… We should go buy some copies and play it ourselves to help figure out the secrets.
Comic Book Guy: Toys Were Us is nearby. I just camped out there last night to buy up their first shipment of Pretty Horse Friends series three articulated figures.
Comic Book Guy: I got no sleep, had to pee in a Pringles can, and nearly lost a toe to frostbite!
Comic Book Guy: Worth it.

Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP

A Fat Lot of Good Pt. 2

Auto starts

Nelson: I’m getting nowhere with this game. I’ve got forty-seven inventory items, there’s a rabid dog blocking that path, and over on the beach there’s some incomprehensible coconut tree puzzle.
Nelson: What about you guys? Have you found anything playing your home versions?
Milhouse: I found this pulley thing in a tree stump near the salad bar. That MUST be important!
Sophie Krustofsky: I combined this cat hair with maple syrup and made a mustache. Do you need a mustache?
Martin: I just sunk a fifty-footer from behind the sand trap!
Bart: Martin, what game are you playing?
Martin: Aren’t we all playing Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge?

Task: Collect Memory Cards
Task: Make Martin Return Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge
Time: 1h
Location: Toys Were Us, Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House
Task: Make The Evergreen Terrors Share More Game Secrets
Time: 2h
Location: Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House
Characters: Bart, Milhouse, Nelson, Sophie Krustofsky

Bart: Ugh, my mom wants me to come home. She says I’m wasting my precious summer vacation at the arcade.
Bart: And apparently Child Protective Services requires that you “know where your child is”.

Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP

A Fat Lot of Good Pt. 3

Auto starts

Nelson: Ugh, none of the kids on this island will do anything I say. How am I gonna get these fatties to work together?
Comic Book Guy: There must be some way you can assert your authority over them. Perhaps if you looked more like a leader…
Nelson: Uh, well I did find this pirate outfit in a buried treasure chest.
Comic Book Guy: Everyone listens to pirates. It’s why Johnny Depp can marry any supermodel he wants.
Pirate Nelson: Yar!

Task: Collect Memory Cards
Task: Make Nelson Roleplay as a Pirate
Time: 4h
Location: Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House
Task: Make The Evergreen Terrors Look Up Pirate Lingo to Help
Time: 4h
Location: Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House
Characters: Bart, Milhouse, Martin, Sophie Krustofsky

Bart: Okay, now click on that kid with the shirt that’s too small and select the dialogue option, “I’ll keelhaul the lot of ye if ye don’t get to lashin’ together a seaworthy vessel!”
Pirate Nelson: Wow, it’s working! He’s started building the raft! Who knew that maritime-based threats could be so effective?

Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP

A Fat Lot of Good Pt. 4

Auto starts

Martin: Alright, I had a bit of a late start but I believe that I’ve caught up to the rest of you in Chunky Island.
Sophie Krustofsky: Any insights?
Martin: I have created a child utopia, free of adults, where all kids are treated equally and none are made fun of.
Sophie Krustofsky: How does that help us? The goal of the game is to get OFF the island!
Martin: Oh, there’s a speedboat hidden in the skull-shaped cave off the north end of the island. But I choose to stay with my fellow compatriots.
Bart: Martin, you realize Chunky Island is just a simulation, right?
Martin: So is everything in our world! Haven’t you been paying attention?
Bart: *shrugs* Fair enough…

Task: Collect Memory Cards
Task: Make Martin Show the Others Where the Boat is Hidden
Time: 30m
Location: Noise Land Video Arcade, Captain Blip's Zapateria or Brown House
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP

A Fat Lot of Good Pt. 5

Auto starts

Pirate Nelson: Yar, ye scurvy dogs! Everyone on the boat before I hang ye from the mizzen!
Bart: Wow, Nelson. You’ve really got a handle on those chunky kids.
Pirate Nelson: *sails off into the sunset, watches the credits roll*
Milhouse: You did it! The Game Master never got this far, so you’re now at the top of the leaderboard!
Comic Book Guy: I haven’t been this proud of a group of kids since The Goonies.
Nelson: I’ll just add my name to the leaderboard, right above TGM.
Nelson: B- U- T.
Sophie Krustofsky: BUT? But what?
Nelson: I only get three letters. Just imagine another T.
Comic Book Guy: A hilarious reference to a taboo bodily region!
Comic Book Guy: You kids deserve a break. I’m taking you out for pizza!
Comic Book Guy: Note – I am NOT paying for the pizza. My pride has limits!

Task: Collect Memory Cards
Task: Make Comic Book Guy Take the Kids Out for Pizza
Time: 2h
Location: Wall E. Weasel's, Vesuvius Pizza, Zesty's Pizza or Brown House
Task: Make The Evergreen Terrors Go Out for Pizza
Time: 2h
Location: Wall E. Weasel's, Vesuvius Pizza, Zesty's Pizza or Brown House
Characters: Bart, Milhouse, Martin, Nelson, Sophie Krustofsky

The Game Master: Heh, heh, heh… They think they’re so smart. Well they won’t see this coming…
Strawberry: *yelling from the other room* Babe, you want some pizza rolls?
The Game Master: Only if they’re from the toaster oven. NOT the microwave!
The Game Master: The Game Master knows what he desires…
The Game Master: Now...where was I? *logs into Earthland Realms* *THUNDERCLAP*
Strawberry: *yelling from the other room* Babe, it sounds like rain! Are the lids on the trash cans?
The Game Master: It’s not rain, it’s just me being ominous!

Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
  • @LPNintendoITA I still appreciate what you do on this site and others. The information your provide is useful. Just wanted to say thank you or grazie (or is it graci?)