5 years ago
Game of Games The Sequel: Prizes Walkthrough
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 1
Milo starts
Milo: It’ll be good to get back to Coolsville Comics and relax.
Krusty: Hey hey hey! Just the man I’m looking for!
Krusty: I need a new lead-in for my show to boost ratings, and your Game Master shtick is hashtag-trending.
Krusty: I just learned what trending is. And what hashtags are. Hashtag-cool!
Milo: You want me to host a show on comic books?
Krusty: What? Ew, no! Comic books are hashtag-dead!
Krusty: I want you to host a Japanese-style game show. Hashtag-crazy!
Milo: Japanese game show? Hashtag-sign me up!
Task: Make The Game Master Host Crazy Happy Fun World
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
If the user has Krusty: Task: Make Krusty Hashtag EVERYTHING
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
The Game Master: Welcome everyone to Crazy Happy Fun World! I’m your host, The Game Master!
The Game Master: Our first contestants will face each other in a Thanksgiving Food Fight!
Lisa: That’s not fair! Dad is bigger and stronger than we are!
Bart: Relax, Lis! Homer’s eating all his ammo.
Homer: *eating* NOM NOM NOM!
Marge: But who’s going to clean up this mess?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 2
Milo starts
Blue-Haired Lawyer: No more food fights. That man almost died.
The Game Master: From overeating! How is that my fault? Contestants were informed that the “food” was Grade F: Failure to be Edible.
The Game Master: Alright, fine! Besides, it’s time for everyone’s newest favorite game: Barbarian Wall Smash!
The Game Master: Smash through this brick wall using just your head – literally! – and you win!
Moe: All I gotta do is put this helmet on and smash through that wall with my head? And there are prizes on the other side? I got this!
Task: Make The Game Master Emcee Barbarian Wall Smash
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Moe Use His Head to Smash Through Wall
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Moe: I…I made it? Mommy, is that you…?
The Game Master: Well, you broke through – sadly, not before the Crazy Happy Fun World timer expired.
The Game Master: But you did earn some lovely consolation prizes. Strawberry, tell the man what he won!
Strawberry: This lunch pail with the faces of...uh...I'm gonna say a defunct boy band? Plus a year's supply of government surplus ramen!
Moe: *staggers around the stage* Worth it!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 3
Milo starts
The Game Master: The lawyer again? Ugh! What’s this contestant complaining about? We gave him a helmet!
Blue-Haired Lawyer: He’s happy as the proverbial bivalve mollusk. No, it’s the woman in the audience he threw up on who’s threatening to sue.
Blue-Haired Lawyer: We’ll rewrite the audience agreement on the back of their tickets – it’s already thirty-four paragraphs long, but twelve more won’t hurt.
The Game Master: In the meantime, we have plenty of other game ideas! And this next one requires audience participation…
Task: Make The Game Master Arm Audience With Sticks
Time: 2h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Professor Frink: As a contestant, I’ll use my big brain with the THINKING and the CALCULATING to win big prizes!
The Game Master: Well, you better think fast, because to play Surviving the Studio you have to make it to any of the three exits before the audience clubs you into submission!
Professor Frink: Hoyvin! What would Einstein do? I know: E equals MC RUN!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 4
Milo starts
The Game Master: What now?! Don’t tell me Professor Frink is suing…
Blue-Haired Lawyer: Fortunately he’s in traction and unable to sign a legally binding agreement. No, it turns out the Whacking Day people are highly litigious.
The Game Master: Fine, no more whacking. Besides, it’s time for our latest contest: A buddy game called Fishing For Prizes!
Lenny: Me and Carl got this.
The Game Master: Carl will be using a crane to lower prizes into this piranha-filled swimming pool, where Lenny will retrieve them using only his mouth.
Lenny: Wait, what?
The Game Master: Any prizes Lenny can move to the ledge on the other side, they keep!
Carl: Doesn’t sound hard. Let’s go!
Task: Make Carl Lower Prizes Into Pool
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Lenny Retrieve Underwater Prizes
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make The Game Master Watch a Contestant Almost Drown
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Lenny: You almost killed me! You seriously expected me to swim to the surface with a pickup truck?!
Carl: Eh, the CPR worked, what are you complaining about?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 5
Milo starts
The Game Master: So for our next game–
Krusty: Forget it! This show is finished!
The Game Master: But you said it was a hit!
Krusty: Yeah – a hit with my lawyer! The legal fees are killing me. Oy!
If the user has Krusty: Task: Make Krusty Cancel Crazy Happy Fun World
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make The Game Master Be Sad Crazy Happy Fun World is Canceled
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Milo: So what are you going to use as a lead-in to your program now?
Krusty: We got a new show lined up and it’s going to be crazy hashtag-popular!
Krusty: Something about a woman yelling at a cat…
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 1
Nelson starts
Pirate Nelson: Alright, hand over the booty! And by “booty,” I mean lunch money.
Ralph: But I don’t have any lunch money! And my mom says I shouldn’t show my booty to anyone except my doctor.
Pirate Nelson: Yaarrrr! A pirate doesn’t care for a scallywag’s excuses.
Bart: Hold on. Nelson, are you dressed up as your character from Chunky Island?
Pirate Nelson: Aye. The life of a pirate suits me. Pillagin’ and plunderin’ and the like.
Bart: Seems a lot like your normal life.
Pirate Nelson: Aye. Just with an eyepatch. And less depth perception. *walks into post*
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Loot the Kids’ Lunch Money
Time: 2h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Task: Make Kids Hide Booty From Pirate Nelson
Time: 2h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Skinner: Nelson! Did you steal the flamingoes from Mother’s yard?
Pirate Nelson: Steal? Nay. I PLUNDERED ‘em!
Skinner: *gasp* A maritime technicality! The bane of all principals. *sighs* You’re free to go.
Pirate Nelson: Yo-haw-haw!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 2
Nelson starts
Pirate Nelson: Where should my next hornswagglin’ be, ya scurvy seadogs?
Sea Captain: Shiver me timbers! I’ve never heard such good piratin’ from a landlubber.
Pirate Nelson: Who says I’m a landlubber? I’ve sailed the seven seas as long as any... At least virtually…
Sea Captain: My, my. I can see ye’re no average swilldrinker. Ye know, I’ve got an opening on my crew. Five doubloons a fortnight. What say ye?
Pirate Nelson: Sink me! That’s no small bounty.
Sea Captain: Yar. I’ll just need ye to show me that ye know how to handle yerself as a buccaneer.
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Prove His Pirating Skills
Time: 2h
Task: Make Sea Captain Sing an Approving Shanty
Time: 2h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 3
Nelson starts
Sea Captain: Ahoy! Here we are, ye powder monkey.
Pirate Nelson: This is a houseboat.
Sea Captain: Aye. Fastest in the briny deep. You’ll start by swabbin' the deck.
Pirate Nelson: Swabbing the deck?! I thought I was your first mate?
Sea Captain: Yar, ye’ve got to start at the bottom and work yer way up.
Pirate Nelson: Blimey, how long is that gonna take?
Sea Captain: A few hours, if’n ye know what ye’re doing. Start at the bottom deck and work yer way up to the top. Proper swabbin’ order, that is.
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Swab the Decks
Time: 8h
Location: Houseboat, Muntz House or Brown House
Task: Make Sea Captain Wax the Plank
Time: 8h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Sea Captain: Heave ho, lad. Ye about finished up?
Pirate Nelson: I’d rather be cleaved to the brisket.
Sea Captain: Well ye’ve got yer terminology down, that’s for sure. When ye’re done, go ahead and batten down the hatches.
Pirate Nelson: Be there a storm a-comin’?
Sea Captain: My ex-wife. Same difference.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 4
Nelson starts
Sea Captain: I’ve seen better swabbin’ jobs. But it’s only yer first day. I’m sure ye’ll stop bilge-sucking in no time.
Pirate Nelson: That’s it. I’m sick of your “yars” and “ahoys” and “hang ‘em from the yardarms”. This ship is mine now! *pushes Sea Captain overboard*
Sea Captain: *falling* Mutiny!
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Commandeer the Houseboat
Time: 1h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Pirate Nelson: And this here be the galley… And over there, that’s where I hang the jib.
Jimbo: Wow. So this place is all yours?
Pirate Nelson: Aye, until next Wednesday.
Jimbo: What happens then?
Pirate Nelson: The dockmaster comes around collecting mooring fees. I’ll not be surrendering my copper to the likes of him!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 5
Nelson starts
Jimbo: So you’re not worried about the Sea Captain coming to take his houseboat back?
Pirate Nelson: There is NO WAY the Sea Captain is coming to take his houseboat back.
Task: Make Sea Captain Come Take His Houseboat Back
Time: 1h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Sea Captain: Avast ye scurvy carouser!
Pirate Nelson: You’re really stretching for pirate terms you haven’t used yet.
Sea Captain: Unhand this ship, or else dead men will tell no tales.
Pirate Nelson: That’s not even what that means!
Sea Captain: Okay, fine. Gimme my ship back and I won’t tell your mom.
Pirate Nelson: *grumbles* Fine.
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 1
Homer starts
Homer: Marge, could you get my pants? I forgot I was pressing them inside your closed laptop. It’s the dry cleaning of the future!
Marge: OK, I found them... Hey, what’s this? I’ve received an email from Earthland Realms…
Marge: It says my Cleric is in trouble and needs my help. Hmm, it has been a while since I last played. It wouldn’t hurt to just check in on things…
Task: Make Homer Wait for His Pants
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Re-enter Earthland Realms
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Cleric Marge: Alright, I’m in! Now, let’s see what my Cleric needed help with. I’ll just walk to that virtual mailbox.
Cleric Marge: *reading* “Dearest Cleric Marge. Thank you for returning to Earthland Realms!”
Cleric Marge: “The game developers want to buy matching yachts so they’re looking for ways to bring players back into the game. Here are five free iron ingots.”
Cleric Marge: Ugh, they’re just trying to buy me off with some free stuff.
Cleric Marge: Although…with those ingots I could finally finish upgrading my Orb of Oblivion…
Cleric Marge: I’ll just play until then, and THAT’S IT.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 2
Homer starts
Homer: Where’s Marge? I needed those pants hours ago. Good thing I had a backup plan ready.
Lisa: Um, Dad, are you wearing a grocery bag? Actually, don’t answer that. I think I heard Mom in the kitchen.
Marge: Okay, I’ve got a level three Orb of Oblivion, a level five Trinket of Defense, and a level two Cloak of Yielding. Not too bad for my elf-self!
Marge: But these level-one Boots of Armandahl make me look like a total noob. Time to start some more upgrades!
Task: Make Homer Walk to the Kitchen Without Pants
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Lose Track of Time Playing Earthland Realms
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Homer: Marge! What are you doing in here?
Marge: Oh, relax Homie, I was just taking a quick break to upgrade my Orb of Oblivion.
Homer: What are you talking about? And where’s dinner?
Marge: It’s not time for dinner. It’s only – Oh my gosh! It’s eight o’clock!
Homer: There’s no dinner?
Marge: Homer, have you been drinking the Lemon Time dishwashing liquid?
Homer: *mouth bubbling* And whose fault is that?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 3
Marge starts
Marge: *phew* It sure is easy to lose track of time playing that game. I think I need to take a break from it.
Gil: *knocks on door* Hello, ma’am. I’ve got a special delivery for “Cleric Marge”. Is that you?
Marge: Gil? What are you doing here?
Gil: Earthland Realms hired me to do advertising! They only pay me in virtual currency, but at least my character, “Jester Gil”, has a roof over his head. Lucky alter-ego…
Gil: Anyway, here’s your message: “Dearest Cleric Marge, our data indicates that it’s been nearly two hours since you last logged in…”
Gil: “Your character – and our profit margins – desperately await your return. Log back in within the next hour to receive a free Amulet of Nuxinor.”
Marge: An Amulet of Nuxinor? I’ve been looking for one of those since I first started! *logs back into Earthland Realms*
Marge: Ooh, this amulet looks great on me! It even matches my Boots of Lower Back Support!
Task: Make Marge Lose Track of Time Again
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Homer: Honey, I’m home. But I don’t smell tacos. Are you dead?
Marge: Oh jeez, what time is it? *logs out of game*
Homer: Are you playing that game again? I thought we talked about this. Playing that game interferes with your wifely duties.
Marge: I know, I know… Wait, what did you say?
Homer: You know, watching the kids, making dinner, cleaning...
Marge: Oh really? And you don’t think I’m allowed any time to myself?
Homer: Stop being so ridiculous, Marge. You get plenty of time to yourself when you sleep.
Marge: And I’m gonna get a whole lot more of it tonight, because YOU’RE sleeping on the couch!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 4
Homer starts
Homer: And then she told me to sleep on the couch, can you believe that?
Lisa: Dad, I agree that Mom shouldn’t spend so much time playing games, but you have to learn to take responsibility for yourself.
Homer: Sounds like a solid plan B. Your turn, boy.
Bart: What if you made your own Earthland Realms character? Then you could harass Mom in the game just like in real life.
Homer: Wait, I have an idea. What if I make my own Earthland Realms character and torment her in the game until she quits?
Bart: I just said that, Homer.
Homer: Sure you did. Now, time to buy a computer and enter the virtual world!
Task: Make Lisa Scoff
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Bart Roll His Eyes
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Create an Earthland Realms Character
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Be Completely Unaware of This Family Meeting
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Barbarian Homer: Finished at last… Warrior Homer! Wow, just look at those muscles! Marge could do my laundry on these abs.
Barbarian Homer: Oh, right. Marge. Gotta find her. How do I make this hunky Homer walk? Ah, there we go.
Barbarian Homer: Now that I’m getting the hang of this, I think I’ll ask that giant, hungry-looking spider if it’s seen Marge anywhere.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 5
Marge starts
Cleric Marge: Looks like the last thing I need for my next upgrade is a giant spider fang. I’m coming up on its lair now… I’d better be cautious…
Cleric Marge: *gasp* Oh no, the spider is attacking someone! Unhand that noob, vile fiend!
Cleric Marge: I’ll use one of my magic spells on it. *casts spell* By the Luxurious Locks of Lilith, unhand that lout!
Task: Make Cleric Marge Save Warrior Homer
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Cleric Marge: *phew* I think that did it. Are you okay, Mister Barbarian?
Barbarian Homer: Marge, you saved me! And you did it with such pizzazz, I hardly recognized you!
Cleric Marge: Homer, is that you? What are you doing here?
Barbarian Homer: I wanted to see why you were spending so much time in here, so I made my own character. And I gotta say it’s pretty great. Just look at my butt! *poses*
Cleric Marge: *chuckles* You do look rather dashing in that loincloth.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 6
Marge starts
Cleric Marge: Wait, Homie, how long have we been playing?
Barbarian Homer: Who can keep track of time when you’re busy looking this good?
Cleric Marge: I think it’s time for dinner and we need to feed the kids.
Barbarian Homer: Oh, right, those guys. Wait, I have an idea. *logs out of game*
Task: Make Homer Tell the Kids to Make Dinner
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Bart Complain
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Complain
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Happily Enjoy Some Me-Time
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Bart and Lisa: Make dinner? Dad, no, that’s Mom’s job!
Homer: Bup bup bup, your mother is busy. In fact, from now on, we’re going to be doing this more regularly so she and I can enjoy some quality time together.
Bart and Lisa: Eww. Are you guys cuddling inside Earthland Realms?
Marge: We sure are! Your father and I get along even better in the virtual world. Now, the baking sheets are under the stove…
Bart: And those are for…?
Marge: For baking!
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 1
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Bart, how much longer before you undo this gender-swapping spell? I’ve been Lady Milhouse for months!
Shadow Knight: You will refer to me by my proper title, M’lady.
Lady Milhouse: *sigh* Shadow Knight, SIR, how much longer before you undo this spell?
Shadow Knight: As I’ve explained before, fair maiden, the rules of the spell are such that one cannot simply “undo” it with the wave of a gauntlet. The magical edicts must be followed.
Lady Milhouse: So what does the magical edict for this spell say?
Shadow Knight: It says you have to farm eight Vigorous Elixirs for me.
Lady Milhouse: That sounds tedious…
Shadow Knight: Verily!
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Proclaim the Magical Edicts
Time: 2h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Farm Eight Vigorous Elixirs
Time: 2h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: Okay, Bart- er, Shadow Knight, sir. I’ve retrieved the Vigorous Elixirs per the decree of the magical edict.
Shadow Knight: I see. And why are you bleeding all over?
Lady Milhouse: Because the only place to get Vigorous Elixirs is in the Valley of Pestiferous Depravity!
Shadow Knight: Yes, well, it looks like your arms still work fine. More mead, please.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 2
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Okay, I got your elixirs. Time for the old Milhouse to come back, right?
Shadow Knight: Not so fast. It’s a magical edict, not a pamphlet. There’s more to it.
Lady Milhouse: Ugh, what do I have to do now?
Shadow Knight: *reading* Let’s see… Ah, yes. It says that in order to remove the spell, the spellbound – that’s you – must make a sacrificial journey.
Shadow Knight: I happen to be heading to Castle Equalia today, and to carry my belongings I’ll need a feeble squire such as yourself.
Shadow Knight: We should leave now to get in a few hours before dark. My things are over there.
Lady Milhouse: Armor Wax? Hair Gel of Charisma?
Shadow Knight: You don’t get to the top by looking like a noob.
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Carry Shadow Knight’s Things
Time: 6h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Travel With All His Beautification Supplies
Time: 6h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: *panting* I can’t go any further…
Shadow Knight: You dropped my Amulet of Virile Handsomeness.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 3
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: *out of breath* We’re finally here. I’ll just…rest my eyes for a bit.
Shadow Knight: It appears that the next requirement from the magical edict is for the spellbound to “give of his or her hands in service”.
Shadow Knight: And my feet ARE quite sore from the journey…
Lady Milhouse: You want me to rub your feet? Gross! I’m not touching those things.
Shadow Knight: They’re not real feet, Milhouse. Just move in front of me and press the F key.
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Rub Shadow Knight’s Feet
Time: 1h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Get a Foot Rub
Time: 1h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: I wanna see those magical edicts. I don’t think they say ANY of that stuff!
Shadow Knight: Oh no, no, no. The magical edicts are sacred. They explicitly state that only the worthy can read them.
Lady Milhouse: And how does one become worthy?
Shadow Knight: You gotta be level twenty-five.
Lady Milhouse: *gasp*
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 4
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: To get to level twenty-five, I’ll just need to buy the Warehouse of Gems and the Triple XP Multiplier.
Lady Milhouse: Hopefully Dad doesn’t notice his credit card missing before I have time to put it back…
Lady Milhouse: *reading* “Before you finalize your purchase, would you like to add the Earthland Realms season pass to earn double kill streak points for the next four hours?”
Lady Milhouse: Would I ever!
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Max Out Kirk’s Credit Card
Time: 6h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
Shadow Knight: Whoa… Where did you get those high-level boots? And is that the Sword of Deathbringing?
Lady Milhouse: You’re no longer looking at level four Lady Milhouse. This Lady is now level sixty!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 5
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Okay, Bart. Now that I’m level sixty, I’m finally worthy of reading the magical edicts. Hand it over! *grabs the scroll from Shadow Knight*
Shadow Knight: No, no, no, give it back!
Lady Milhouse: *reading* Wait a second, this doesn’t say anything about bringing you elixirs, or carrying all your stuff, or rubbing your feet.
Lady Milhouse: All it says is required to remove the spell is that the spellbound must defeat the spellcaster in combat.
Shadow Knight: Let us getteth it on!
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Defeat Shadow Knight in Combat
Time: 1h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Lose to Lady Milhouse in Combat
Time: 1h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: Hah! Take that! Let the spell be undone!
Lady Milhouse: ...
Lady Milhouse: Why is nothing happening?
Shadow Knight: Oh, hey that was the wrong magical edict. Here’s the correct one.
Shadow Knight: It says that to remove the spell you must make a pilgrimage to the distant land of Ravenreach, match wits with the corpse orcs of Bix...
Shadow Knight: ...and defeat the mighty Dragon Lord in a ten-day duel of fire and claw.
Lady Milhouse: ...
Lady Milhouse: You know, I’m okay sitting here and tending to my embroidery.
Shadow Knight: That’s m’lady!
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Milo starts
Milo: It’ll be good to get back to Coolsville Comics and relax.
Krusty: Hey hey hey! Just the man I’m looking for!
Krusty: I need a new lead-in for my show to boost ratings, and your Game Master shtick is hashtag-trending.
Krusty: I just learned what trending is. And what hashtags are. Hashtag-cool!
Milo: You want me to host a show on comic books?
Krusty: What? Ew, no! Comic books are hashtag-dead!
Krusty: I want you to host a Japanese-style game show. Hashtag-crazy!
Milo: Japanese game show? Hashtag-sign me up!
Task: Make The Game Master Host Crazy Happy Fun World
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
If the user has Krusty: Task: Make Krusty Hashtag EVERYTHING
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
The Game Master: Welcome everyone to Crazy Happy Fun World! I’m your host, The Game Master!
The Game Master: Our first contestants will face each other in a Thanksgiving Food Fight!
Lisa: That’s not fair! Dad is bigger and stronger than we are!
Bart: Relax, Lis! Homer’s eating all his ammo.
Homer: *eating* NOM NOM NOM!
Marge: But who’s going to clean up this mess?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 2
Milo starts
Blue-Haired Lawyer: No more food fights. That man almost died.
The Game Master: From overeating! How is that my fault? Contestants were informed that the “food” was Grade F: Failure to be Edible.
The Game Master: Alright, fine! Besides, it’s time for everyone’s newest favorite game: Barbarian Wall Smash!
The Game Master: Smash through this brick wall using just your head – literally! – and you win!
Moe: All I gotta do is put this helmet on and smash through that wall with my head? And there are prizes on the other side? I got this!
Task: Make The Game Master Emcee Barbarian Wall Smash
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Moe Use His Head to Smash Through Wall
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Moe: I…I made it? Mommy, is that you…?
The Game Master: Well, you broke through – sadly, not before the Crazy Happy Fun World timer expired.
The Game Master: But you did earn some lovely consolation prizes. Strawberry, tell the man what he won!
Strawberry: This lunch pail with the faces of...uh...I'm gonna say a defunct boy band? Plus a year's supply of government surplus ramen!
Moe: *staggers around the stage* Worth it!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 3
Milo starts
The Game Master: The lawyer again? Ugh! What’s this contestant complaining about? We gave him a helmet!
Blue-Haired Lawyer: He’s happy as the proverbial bivalve mollusk. No, it’s the woman in the audience he threw up on who’s threatening to sue.
Blue-Haired Lawyer: We’ll rewrite the audience agreement on the back of their tickets – it’s already thirty-four paragraphs long, but twelve more won’t hurt.
The Game Master: In the meantime, we have plenty of other game ideas! And this next one requires audience participation…
Task: Make The Game Master Arm Audience With Sticks
Time: 2h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Professor Frink: As a contestant, I’ll use my big brain with the THINKING and the CALCULATING to win big prizes!
The Game Master: Well, you better think fast, because to play Surviving the Studio you have to make it to any of the three exits before the audience clubs you into submission!
Professor Frink: Hoyvin! What would Einstein do? I know: E equals MC RUN!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 4
Milo starts
The Game Master: What now?! Don’t tell me Professor Frink is suing…
Blue-Haired Lawyer: Fortunately he’s in traction and unable to sign a legally binding agreement. No, it turns out the Whacking Day people are highly litigious.
The Game Master: Fine, no more whacking. Besides, it’s time for our latest contest: A buddy game called Fishing For Prizes!
Lenny: Me and Carl got this.
The Game Master: Carl will be using a crane to lower prizes into this piranha-filled swimming pool, where Lenny will retrieve them using only his mouth.
Lenny: Wait, what?
The Game Master: Any prizes Lenny can move to the ledge on the other side, they keep!
Carl: Doesn’t sound hard. Let’s go!
Task: Make Carl Lower Prizes Into Pool
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make Lenny Retrieve Underwater Prizes
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make The Game Master Watch a Contestant Almost Drown
Time: 30m
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Lenny: You almost killed me! You seriously expected me to swim to the surface with a pickup truck?!
Carl: Eh, the CPR worked, what are you complaining about?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Crazy Happy Fun World Pt. 5
Milo starts
The Game Master: So for our next game–
Krusty: Forget it! This show is finished!
The Game Master: But you said it was a hit!
Krusty: Yeah – a hit with my lawyer! The legal fees are killing me. Oy!
If the user has Krusty: Task: Make Krusty Cancel Crazy Happy Fun World
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Task: Make The Game Master Be Sad Crazy Happy Fun World is Canceled
Time: 4h
Location: Krustylu Studios, Itchy & Scratchy Studios, Channel 6 or Brown House
Milo: So what are you going to use as a lead-in to your program now?
Krusty: We got a new show lined up and it’s going to be crazy hashtag-popular!
Krusty: Something about a woman yelling at a cat…
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 1
Nelson starts
Pirate Nelson: Alright, hand over the booty! And by “booty,” I mean lunch money.
Ralph: But I don’t have any lunch money! And my mom says I shouldn’t show my booty to anyone except my doctor.
Pirate Nelson: Yaarrrr! A pirate doesn’t care for a scallywag’s excuses.
Bart: Hold on. Nelson, are you dressed up as your character from Chunky Island?
Pirate Nelson: Aye. The life of a pirate suits me. Pillagin’ and plunderin’ and the like.
Bart: Seems a lot like your normal life.
Pirate Nelson: Aye. Just with an eyepatch. And less depth perception. *walks into post*
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Loot the Kids’ Lunch Money
Time: 2h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Task: Make Kids Hide Booty From Pirate Nelson
Time: 2h
Location: Springfield Elementary or Brown House
Skinner: Nelson! Did you steal the flamingoes from Mother’s yard?
Pirate Nelson: Steal? Nay. I PLUNDERED ‘em!
Skinner: *gasp* A maritime technicality! The bane of all principals. *sighs* You’re free to go.
Pirate Nelson: Yo-haw-haw!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 2
Nelson starts
Pirate Nelson: Where should my next hornswagglin’ be, ya scurvy seadogs?
Sea Captain: Shiver me timbers! I’ve never heard such good piratin’ from a landlubber.
Pirate Nelson: Who says I’m a landlubber? I’ve sailed the seven seas as long as any... At least virtually…
Sea Captain: My, my. I can see ye’re no average swilldrinker. Ye know, I’ve got an opening on my crew. Five doubloons a fortnight. What say ye?
Pirate Nelson: Sink me! That’s no small bounty.
Sea Captain: Yar. I’ll just need ye to show me that ye know how to handle yerself as a buccaneer.
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Prove His Pirating Skills
Time: 2h
Task: Make Sea Captain Sing an Approving Shanty
Time: 2h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 3
Nelson starts
Sea Captain: Ahoy! Here we are, ye powder monkey.
Pirate Nelson: This is a houseboat.
Sea Captain: Aye. Fastest in the briny deep. You’ll start by swabbin' the deck.
Pirate Nelson: Swabbing the deck?! I thought I was your first mate?
Sea Captain: Yar, ye’ve got to start at the bottom and work yer way up.
Pirate Nelson: Blimey, how long is that gonna take?
Sea Captain: A few hours, if’n ye know what ye’re doing. Start at the bottom deck and work yer way up to the top. Proper swabbin’ order, that is.
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Swab the Decks
Time: 8h
Location: Houseboat, Muntz House or Brown House
Task: Make Sea Captain Wax the Plank
Time: 8h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Sea Captain: Heave ho, lad. Ye about finished up?
Pirate Nelson: I’d rather be cleaved to the brisket.
Sea Captain: Well ye’ve got yer terminology down, that’s for sure. When ye’re done, go ahead and batten down the hatches.
Pirate Nelson: Be there a storm a-comin’?
Sea Captain: My ex-wife. Same difference.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 4
Nelson starts
Sea Captain: I’ve seen better swabbin’ jobs. But it’s only yer first day. I’m sure ye’ll stop bilge-sucking in no time.
Pirate Nelson: That’s it. I’m sick of your “yars” and “ahoys” and “hang ‘em from the yardarms”. This ship is mine now! *pushes Sea Captain overboard*
Sea Captain: *falling* Mutiny!
Task: Make Pirate Nelson Commandeer the Houseboat
Time: 1h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Pirate Nelson: And this here be the galley… And over there, that’s where I hang the jib.
Jimbo: Wow. So this place is all yours?
Pirate Nelson: Aye, until next Wednesday.
Jimbo: What happens then?
Pirate Nelson: The dockmaster comes around collecting mooring fees. I’ll not be surrendering my copper to the likes of him!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Mutiny on the High Suburbs Pt. 5
Nelson starts
Jimbo: So you’re not worried about the Sea Captain coming to take his houseboat back?
Pirate Nelson: There is NO WAY the Sea Captain is coming to take his houseboat back.
Task: Make Sea Captain Come Take His Houseboat Back
Time: 1h
Location: Squidport Entrance or Brown House
Sea Captain: Avast ye scurvy carouser!
Pirate Nelson: You’re really stretching for pirate terms you haven’t used yet.
Sea Captain: Unhand this ship, or else dead men will tell no tales.
Pirate Nelson: That’s not even what that means!
Sea Captain: Okay, fine. Gimme my ship back and I won’t tell your mom.
Pirate Nelson: *grumbles* Fine.
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 1
Homer starts
Homer: Marge, could you get my pants? I forgot I was pressing them inside your closed laptop. It’s the dry cleaning of the future!
Marge: OK, I found them... Hey, what’s this? I’ve received an email from Earthland Realms…
Marge: It says my Cleric is in trouble and needs my help. Hmm, it has been a while since I last played. It wouldn’t hurt to just check in on things…
Task: Make Homer Wait for His Pants
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Re-enter Earthland Realms
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Cleric Marge: Alright, I’m in! Now, let’s see what my Cleric needed help with. I’ll just walk to that virtual mailbox.
Cleric Marge: *reading* “Dearest Cleric Marge. Thank you for returning to Earthland Realms!”
Cleric Marge: “The game developers want to buy matching yachts so they’re looking for ways to bring players back into the game. Here are five free iron ingots.”
Cleric Marge: Ugh, they’re just trying to buy me off with some free stuff.
Cleric Marge: Although…with those ingots I could finally finish upgrading my Orb of Oblivion…
Cleric Marge: I’ll just play until then, and THAT’S IT.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 2
Homer starts
Homer: Where’s Marge? I needed those pants hours ago. Good thing I had a backup plan ready.
Lisa: Um, Dad, are you wearing a grocery bag? Actually, don’t answer that. I think I heard Mom in the kitchen.
Marge: Okay, I’ve got a level three Orb of Oblivion, a level five Trinket of Defense, and a level two Cloak of Yielding. Not too bad for my elf-self!
Marge: But these level-one Boots of Armandahl make me look like a total noob. Time to start some more upgrades!
Task: Make Homer Walk to the Kitchen Without Pants
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Lose Track of Time Playing Earthland Realms
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Homer: Marge! What are you doing in here?
Marge: Oh, relax Homie, I was just taking a quick break to upgrade my Orb of Oblivion.
Homer: What are you talking about? And where’s dinner?
Marge: It’s not time for dinner. It’s only – Oh my gosh! It’s eight o’clock!
Homer: There’s no dinner?
Marge: Homer, have you been drinking the Lemon Time dishwashing liquid?
Homer: *mouth bubbling* And whose fault is that?
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 3
Marge starts
Marge: *phew* It sure is easy to lose track of time playing that game. I think I need to take a break from it.
Gil: *knocks on door* Hello, ma’am. I’ve got a special delivery for “Cleric Marge”. Is that you?
Marge: Gil? What are you doing here?
Gil: Earthland Realms hired me to do advertising! They only pay me in virtual currency, but at least my character, “Jester Gil”, has a roof over his head. Lucky alter-ego…
Gil: Anyway, here’s your message: “Dearest Cleric Marge, our data indicates that it’s been nearly two hours since you last logged in…”
Gil: “Your character – and our profit margins – desperately await your return. Log back in within the next hour to receive a free Amulet of Nuxinor.”
Marge: An Amulet of Nuxinor? I’ve been looking for one of those since I first started! *logs back into Earthland Realms*
Marge: Ooh, this amulet looks great on me! It even matches my Boots of Lower Back Support!
Task: Make Marge Lose Track of Time Again
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Homer: Honey, I’m home. But I don’t smell tacos. Are you dead?
Marge: Oh jeez, what time is it? *logs out of game*
Homer: Are you playing that game again? I thought we talked about this. Playing that game interferes with your wifely duties.
Marge: I know, I know… Wait, what did you say?
Homer: You know, watching the kids, making dinner, cleaning...
Marge: Oh really? And you don’t think I’m allowed any time to myself?
Homer: Stop being so ridiculous, Marge. You get plenty of time to yourself when you sleep.
Marge: And I’m gonna get a whole lot more of it tonight, because YOU’RE sleeping on the couch!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 4
Homer starts
Homer: And then she told me to sleep on the couch, can you believe that?
Lisa: Dad, I agree that Mom shouldn’t spend so much time playing games, but you have to learn to take responsibility for yourself.
Homer: Sounds like a solid plan B. Your turn, boy.
Bart: What if you made your own Earthland Realms character? Then you could harass Mom in the game just like in real life.
Homer: Wait, I have an idea. What if I make my own Earthland Realms character and torment her in the game until she quits?
Bart: I just said that, Homer.
Homer: Sure you did. Now, time to buy a computer and enter the virtual world!
Task: Make Lisa Scoff
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Bart Roll His Eyes
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Create an Earthland Realms Character
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Be Completely Unaware of This Family Meeting
Time: 2h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Barbarian Homer: Finished at last… Warrior Homer! Wow, just look at those muscles! Marge could do my laundry on these abs.
Barbarian Homer: Oh, right. Marge. Gotta find her. How do I make this hunky Homer walk? Ah, there we go.
Barbarian Homer: Now that I’m getting the hang of this, I think I’ll ask that giant, hungry-looking spider if it’s seen Marge anywhere.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 5
Marge starts
Cleric Marge: Looks like the last thing I need for my next upgrade is a giant spider fang. I’m coming up on its lair now… I’d better be cautious…
Cleric Marge: *gasp* Oh no, the spider is attacking someone! Unhand that noob, vile fiend!
Cleric Marge: I’ll use one of my magic spells on it. *casts spell* By the Luxurious Locks of Lilith, unhand that lout!
Task: Make Cleric Marge Save Warrior Homer
Time: 1h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Cleric Marge: *phew* I think that did it. Are you okay, Mister Barbarian?
Barbarian Homer: Marge, you saved me! And you did it with such pizzazz, I hardly recognized you!
Cleric Marge: Homer, is that you? What are you doing here?
Barbarian Homer: I wanted to see why you were spending so much time in here, so I made my own character. And I gotta say it’s pretty great. Just look at my butt! *poses*
Cleric Marge: *chuckles* You do look rather dashing in that loincloth.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
World of Wifecraft Pt. 6
Marge starts
Cleric Marge: Wait, Homie, how long have we been playing?
Barbarian Homer: Who can keep track of time when you’re busy looking this good?
Cleric Marge: I think it’s time for dinner and we need to feed the kids.
Barbarian Homer: Oh, right, those guys. Wait, I have an idea. *logs out of game*
Task: Make Homer Tell the Kids to Make Dinner
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Bart Complain
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Complain
Time: 30m
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Task: Make Marge Happily Enjoy Some Me-Time
Time: 4h
Location: Simpson House or Brown House
Bart and Lisa: Make dinner? Dad, no, that’s Mom’s job!
Homer: Bup bup bup, your mother is busy. In fact, from now on, we’re going to be doing this more regularly so she and I can enjoy some quality time together.
Bart and Lisa: Eww. Are you guys cuddling inside Earthland Realms?
Marge: We sure are! Your father and I get along even better in the virtual world. Now, the baking sheets are under the stove…
Bart: And those are for…?
Marge: For baking!
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 1
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Bart, how much longer before you undo this gender-swapping spell? I’ve been Lady Milhouse for months!
Shadow Knight: You will refer to me by my proper title, M’lady.
Lady Milhouse: *sigh* Shadow Knight, SIR, how much longer before you undo this spell?
Shadow Knight: As I’ve explained before, fair maiden, the rules of the spell are such that one cannot simply “undo” it with the wave of a gauntlet. The magical edicts must be followed.
Lady Milhouse: So what does the magical edict for this spell say?
Shadow Knight: It says you have to farm eight Vigorous Elixirs for me.
Lady Milhouse: That sounds tedious…
Shadow Knight: Verily!
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Proclaim the Magical Edicts
Time: 2h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Farm Eight Vigorous Elixirs
Time: 2h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: Okay, Bart- er, Shadow Knight, sir. I’ve retrieved the Vigorous Elixirs per the decree of the magical edict.
Shadow Knight: I see. And why are you bleeding all over?
Lady Milhouse: Because the only place to get Vigorous Elixirs is in the Valley of Pestiferous Depravity!
Shadow Knight: Yes, well, it looks like your arms still work fine. More mead, please.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 2
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Okay, I got your elixirs. Time for the old Milhouse to come back, right?
Shadow Knight: Not so fast. It’s a magical edict, not a pamphlet. There’s more to it.
Lady Milhouse: Ugh, what do I have to do now?
Shadow Knight: *reading* Let’s see… Ah, yes. It says that in order to remove the spell, the spellbound – that’s you – must make a sacrificial journey.
Shadow Knight: I happen to be heading to Castle Equalia today, and to carry my belongings I’ll need a feeble squire such as yourself.
Shadow Knight: We should leave now to get in a few hours before dark. My things are over there.
Lady Milhouse: Armor Wax? Hair Gel of Charisma?
Shadow Knight: You don’t get to the top by looking like a noob.
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Carry Shadow Knight’s Things
Time: 6h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Travel With All His Beautification Supplies
Time: 6h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: *panting* I can’t go any further…
Shadow Knight: You dropped my Amulet of Virile Handsomeness.
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 3
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: *out of breath* We’re finally here. I’ll just…rest my eyes for a bit.
Shadow Knight: It appears that the next requirement from the magical edict is for the spellbound to “give of his or her hands in service”.
Shadow Knight: And my feet ARE quite sore from the journey…
Lady Milhouse: You want me to rub your feet? Gross! I’m not touching those things.
Shadow Knight: They’re not real feet, Milhouse. Just move in front of me and press the F key.
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Rub Shadow Knight’s Feet
Time: 1h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Get a Foot Rub
Time: 1h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: I wanna see those magical edicts. I don’t think they say ANY of that stuff!
Shadow Knight: Oh no, no, no. The magical edicts are sacred. They explicitly state that only the worthy can read them.
Lady Milhouse: And how does one become worthy?
Shadow Knight: You gotta be level twenty-five.
Lady Milhouse: *gasp*
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 4
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: To get to level twenty-five, I’ll just need to buy the Warehouse of Gems and the Triple XP Multiplier.
Lady Milhouse: Hopefully Dad doesn’t notice his credit card missing before I have time to put it back…
Lady Milhouse: *reading* “Before you finalize your purchase, would you like to add the Earthland Realms season pass to earn double kill streak points for the next four hours?”
Lady Milhouse: Would I ever!
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Max Out Kirk’s Credit Card
Time: 6h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
Shadow Knight: Whoa… Where did you get those high-level boots? And is that the Sword of Deathbringing?
Lady Milhouse: You’re no longer looking at level four Lady Milhouse. This Lady is now level sixty!
Quest rewards: $100 and 10 XP
Lady in Dread Pt. 5
Milhouse starts
Lady Milhouse: Okay, Bart. Now that I’m level sixty, I’m finally worthy of reading the magical edicts. Hand it over! *grabs the scroll from Shadow Knight*
Shadow Knight: No, no, no, give it back!
Lady Milhouse: *reading* Wait a second, this doesn’t say anything about bringing you elixirs, or carrying all your stuff, or rubbing your feet.
Lady Milhouse: All it says is required to remove the spell is that the spellbound must defeat the spellcaster in combat.
Shadow Knight: Let us getteth it on!
Task: Make Lady Milhouse Defeat Shadow Knight in Combat
Time: 1h
Location: Van Houten House or Brown House
If the user has Shadow Knight: Task: Make Shadow Knight Lose to Lady Milhouse in Combat
Time: 1h
Location: Shadow Knight's Throne or Brown House
Lady Milhouse: Hah! Take that! Let the spell be undone!
Lady Milhouse: ...
Lady Milhouse: Why is nothing happening?
Shadow Knight: Oh, hey that was the wrong magical edict. Here’s the correct one.
Shadow Knight: It says that to remove the spell you must make a pilgrimage to the distant land of Ravenreach, match wits with the corpse orcs of Bix...
Shadow Knight: ...and defeat the mighty Dragon Lord in a ten-day duel of fire and claw.
Lady Milhouse: ...
Lady Milhouse: You know, I’m okay sitting here and tending to my embroidery.
Shadow Knight: That’s m’lady!
Quest rewards: $200 and 20 XP