Forum Discussion

plmnjgdfgbvx's avatar
16 hours ago

Heartbroken by TSTO ending. What if ...

What if we changed it to a small monthly fee, say $0.99 a month, to keep it going.

There must be at least a couple million people that would be willing to contribute to the cause each month. That's guaranteed income for EA.

So many of us have been playing daily for over a decade, there must be some way to preserve our efforts.

Please consider an alternative to ending it all.


  • I am willing to pay a monthly fee to keep this game going.

  • Don't take my VICE off my De-Vice.

    Where do I even start...

    The community needs to band together now more than ever. 

    Surely you guys cannot just do this man.

    What about the individuals who really, I know it sounds so stupid, but what about the people who needed the game for that little extra spark? I know we live in an age where technology takes over, and where human interactions have been reduced to that of just taps...

    But surely the EA can devise a plan that will at least keep the town you have running. Leave the updates, leave the events, but just keep the town running please. I have been playing the game since I was 13, that's 10 years .... a lot of life happens in 10 years, a lot of trauma, heartbreak, loss, joy... People in this digital world have found their vices on there "devices" .... This game has gotten me through hardships, trials and tribulations... 

    How pathetic do I sound, getting my **bleep** in a tangle over a game, but its more than a game. I cannot even begin to explain how just keeping the little town of mine alive, kept me alive. [Pathetic I know] But id never apologize for that, this game had been a light in the disgustingly dark and hideous world... I really think, The Simpsons The Simpsons: Tapped Out , your team NEEDS to devise a plan before January 2025, to perhaps allow the player base to move their towns onto our own personal computers. You cannot just take something away from the community like this.. its ABSURD!!!! RUTHLESS!!! UNFAIR!!! UNCALLED FOR!!!

    Matt Groening never intended for people to get so attached, dependant and needy on the little yellow characters. But we have. And your upwards of $130 million client base, have remained loyal, in compensation to feelings hurt, economic loss sustained by this decision and the emotional toll it will take on 'certain' individuals of this community, it is only right to at least allow us the opportunity to continue our town, whether it be offline, or allow us TO AT LEAST transfer progress to our computers.


    Ultimately if EA is going to shut the game down, because there is a loss of players, I think throughout ALL games the company has made more than SUFFICIENT funds to keep the game up, (without any updates/new events), just as a THANK YOU to our Community... Surely for multi-million dollar company that is the ABSOLUTE LEAST THEY CAN DO???? 

     Community lets keep this game up, even if it is without any updates.....