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5 years ago

Holidays of Future Past: Prizes Walkthrough

The Ultranet of Things Pt. 1

If the user has Zia Simpson: Zia Simpson starts
If the user doesn't have Zia Simpson: Auto starts

Zia Simpson: Hey guys! For my school project I recreated Springfield in the Ultranet, exactly like it was before I was born.
President Lisa: That’s amazing! How’d you do it?
Zia Simpson: It was pretty simple: hours of coding, an old blueprint algorithm, neural mapping...
President Lisa: Jeez, whatever happened to cardboard dioramas...
Zia Simpson: Don’t worry, I recreated a few of your crappy old dioramas too!
Retired Homer: I’m gonna go back and get a burger at Krusty’s from before they were all replaced with Impassable Burgers -- fake meat that stays in you forever.

If the user has Zia Simpson: Task: Make Zia Share Her Ultranet Project With Family
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet
If the user has President Lisa: Task: Make President Lisa Be Impressed With Zia’s Project
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet
If the user has President Lisa: Task: Make Lisa Be Impressed With Zia’s Project
Time: 6h, Ultranet
If the user has Retired Homer: Task: Make Retired Homer Visit Virtual Krusty’s
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet
If the user doesn't have Retired Homer: Task: Make Homer Visit Virtual Krusty’s
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet

Squeaky Voice Attendant: You know these burgers are just computer simulations, right?
Retired Homer: Don't care.
Squeaky Voice Attendant: Wow, I’ve never seen someone get fatter from eating holograms!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Ultranet of Things Pt. 2

If the user has Empty-Nest Marge: Empty-Nest Marge starts
If the user doesn't have Empty-Nest Marge: Auto starts

Empty-Nest Marge: This is exciting! I’m going to visit my old book club!
Helen Lovejoy: Oh, how wonderful. It’s Marge. Bring us any of your under-layered taco dip?
Empty-Nest Marge: Even a virtual recreation of you is catty towards me?
Helen Lovejoy: My Cattiness Index is dialed down to one. I guess you just bring it out of me, virtual or not.

If the user has Empty-Nest Marge: Task: Make Empty-Nest Marge Attend Virtual Book Club
Time: 4h
Location: Ultranet
If the user doesn't have Empty-Nest Marge: Task: Make Marge Attend Virtual Book Club
Time: 4h
Location: Ultranet
Task: Make Virtual Helen Tell Marge How She Really Feels
Time: 4h
Location: Ultranet

Helen Lovejoy: …and don’t get me started on that fat oaf of a husband of hers!
Empty-Nest Marge: I should’ve known it was going to go like this when I saw the book you were reading was “Jane Eyre Your Grievances”.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Ultranet of Things Pt. 3

If the user has Empty-Nest Marge: Empty-Nest Marge starts
If the user doesn't have Empty-Nest Marge: Auto starts

Empty-Nest Marge: Zia, I think there’s something wrong with your Ultranet Springfield! Everyone in it is very mean.
Retired Homer: Yeah! I usually feel bad about myself after I gorge at a fast-food place, not during!
Zia Simpson: It's probably because of the neural scans. You’re hearing what people really thought of you back in the day.
Mooch Bart: Hearing what people really think? I want in on this!

If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Visit Virtual Springfield Elementary
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Visit Virtual Springfield Elementary
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet
Task: Make Virtual Skinner Tell Bart What He Really Thinks
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet

Skinner: …took years off my life! Sandbagged my career! Blew any chance I had for love…
President Lisa: This doesn’t bother you?
Mooch Bart: Are you kidding? These are my greatest hits!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Ultranet of Things Pt. 4

If the user has Retired Homer: Retired Homer starts
If the user doesn't have Retired Homer: Auto starts

Retired Homer: Alright Virtual Flanders, I know you’ve been waiting years for this moment. Let me have it -- tell me what you really think about me!
Retired Homer: And don’t hold back, you holier-than-thou, annoying, goody-two-shoes--
Ned: Uh, wasn’t I supposed to be the one unburdening myself?
Retired Homer: Oh, right. Sorry. Go ahead... stupid Virtual Flanders...

If the user has Retired Homer: Task: Make Retired Homer Listen to Virtual Flanders Tell Him the Truth
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet
If the user doesn't have Retired Homer: Task: Make Homer Listen to Virtual Flanders Tell Him the Truth
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet
Task: Make Virtual Flanders Tell Homer What He Really Thinks
Time: 6h
Location: Ultranet

Ned: Golly, Homer. I guess the truth is I think that deep down you’re really a swell guy!
Ned: Sure, I wish you’d been a little nicer, a little more sober, and that you wouldn’t have stolen so many of my belongings…
Ned: But aw heck, you were the best neighboreeno a fella could ask for!
Retired Homer: *sniff!* Finally -- a version of Flanders I actually like!
Ned: *ZZZZZT!* Tears…shorting…me…out! Are you…there, Maude? It’s…me…Ned! *ZZZZT!*

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

The Ultranet of Things Pt. 5

If the user has President Lisa: President Lisa starts
If the user doesn't have President Lisa: Auto starts

President Lisa: Zia, maybe you could fine-tune your project a little to make its virtual reality a little less….real.
Zia Simpson: But Mom, you said the Ultranet should be mankind’s greatest tool in the search for truth and understanding!
President Lisa: I don’t remember saying that...
Zia Simpson: Oh yeah, that was the virtual version of you. I guess I spend a lot more time with her because she’s less demanding...
President Lisa: I’m not demanding! Now change the damn settings!

If the user has Zia Simpson: Task: Make Zia Fine Tune Virtual Springfield
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet
If the user has President Lisa: Task: Make President Lisa Fine Tune Virtual Springfield
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet
If the user has President Lisa: Task: Make Lisa Fine Tune Virtual Springfield
Time: 8h
Location: Ultranet

Quimby: You’re all a bunch of no-good morons!
Rockin' Otto: Screw you, Quimby! I’ll run you down with my bus!
President Lisa: I thought we made the virtual citizens nicer?
Zia Simpson: We made them too nice -- the A.I. is rejecting it. Being jerks is just too deeply ingrained in Springfielders’ DNA!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP

That's Sort of Entertainment Pt. 1

Jiff and Skippy starts

Jiff and Skippy: Hey Dad, Mom sent us over again.
Mooch Bart: Don’t sound so sad, Jiff and Skippy, I love seeing you.
Jiff: Did you call me Skippy? Oh no, we switched bodies in the teleporter!
Jiff: I’m gonna have to pose as Skippy until we figure out how to switch back!
Skippy: No, dummy he mixed us up because he doesn’t see us enough to keep us straight.
Mooch Bart: Look, I might not see you guys as much as I’d like, but we can have fun now, can’t we?

Task: Make Jiff & Skippy Brainstorm Something Fun
Time: 1h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Brainstorm Something Cheap
Time: 8h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Brainstorm Something Cheap
Time: 8h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

That's Sort of Entertainment Pt. 2

If the user has Mooch Bart: Mooch Bart starts
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Auto starts

Mooch Bart: I’ve got an idea! You know what I liked to do when I was your age?
Skippy: Play with the cup-and-ball game?!
Mooch Bart: Hey, I’m not that old... or talented.
Mooch Bart: My favorite thing when I was your age was skateboarding!
Jiff and Skippy: No one skateboards anymore, Dad. It’s all hoverboards now.
Mooch Bart: Do you guys hoverboard?
Jiff and Skippy: Mom says it’s too dangerous.
Mooch Bart: That’s what makes it fun!

Task: Make Jiff & Skippy Try to Hoverboard
Time: 12h
If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Take His Sons to Urgent Care
Time: 8h
Location: Springfield General Hospital, Hibbert Family Practice or Brown House
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Take His Sons to Urgent Care
Time: 8h
Location: Springfield General Hospital, Hibbert Family Practice or Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

That's Sort of Entertainment Pt. 3

If the user has Mooch Bart: Mooch Bart starts
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Auto starts

Mooch Bart: OK, that didn’t go as planned, but you guys had fun playing in that tube after, right?
Jiff and Skippy: That wasn’t a “tube” it was an MRI machine to make sure we didn’t have concussions.
Mooch Bart: But getting a clean bill of health is fun, right?!
Jiff and Skippy: We couldn’t even play video games in there.
Mooch Bart: I used to love video games! Which console do you have?
Jiff and Skippy: Console?!

Task: Make Jiff & Skippy Play Video Games With Their Minds (24h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Get a Migraine Trying to Play Video Games
Time: 12h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Get a Migraine Trying to Play Video Games
Time: 12h
Location: The Lofts at Springfield Elementary, Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

That's Sort of Entertainment Pt. 4

Jiff and Skippy starts

Mooch Bart: Are you boys excited to see the zoo?
Jiff and Skippy: Yeah!
Jiff and Skippy: Wait, this isn’t the zoo! Where's the overpriced animal-themed merchandise?
Mooch Bart: Boys, you’re splitting hairs here! What’s the difference between a zoo and a junkyard guarded by a rabid dog?

If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Get Mauled by a Rabid Dog
Time: 6h
Location: Springfield Zoo Entrance or Brown House
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Get Mauled by a Rabid Dog
Time: 6h
Location: Springfield Zoo Entrance or Brown House
Task: Make Jiff & Skippy Rescue Their Dad From a Rabid Dog
Time: 6h
Location: Springfield Zoo Entrance or Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

That's Sort of Entertainment Pt. 5

If the user has Mooch Bart: Mooch Bart starts
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Auto starts

Mooch Bart: Dad, thanks for letting me use some of your Bone-Gro.
Retired Homer: No problem. I just wish it existed that time I taught you how to ice skate.
Mooch Bart: You mean when you drunkenly drove your car out onto that lake and fell through the ice?
Retired Homer: Things don’t need to be perfect with kids, just memorable. Like this: Watch out boys, the floor is made of lava!
Jiff and Skippy: You seriously expect us to fall for the old “floor is made of lava” gag?
Retired Homer: Maybe it’ll help you pretend if I light the carpet on fire!
Jiff and Skippy: We’re on the couch! We’re on the couch!

Task: Make Jiff & Skippy Pretend the Floor is Made of Lava
Time: 4h
Location: Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user has Mooch Bart: Task: Make Mooch Bart Pretend the Floor is Made of Lava
Time: 4h
Location: Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user doesn't have Mooch Bart: Task: Make Bart Pretend the Floor is Made of Lava
Time: 4h
Location: Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user has Retired Homer: Task: Make Retired Homer Put Out the Fire He Started
Time: 4h
Location: Future Simpson's House or Simpson House
If the user doesn't have Retired Homer: Task: Make Homer Put Out the Fire He Started
Time: 4h
Location: Future Simpson's House or Simpson House

Jiff and Skippy: We had a great time!
Mooch Bart: I did it! I finally showed my boys a good time.
Jiff and Skippy: Oh no, that was all Grampa. The way he dove head-first into the lava was awesome.
Jiff and Skippy: But we appreciate your trying. Maybe next time we can all do something that makes us end up “playing” in the MRI tube!
Mooch Bart: *sniff!* My boys care!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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