Neglecterino wrote:
annettemarc wrote:
What if we add a wrinkle ...
For every million dollars taken from my bank account, I get a free donut.
That's probably not going to happen either because of feeder towns.
Sorry, but my brain is fried right now. Just out of a 3 hr meeting. I'll try to think of some positive ideas once I rest.
I seriously doubt a feeder town would help much at ALL. My main town would still need to accumulate the million dollars in the first place. Plus, if there was a limit of, say $5,000 per "steal" ... It would take 20 actions from other towns for me to lose enough for me to get just one donut. I can attest from personal experience that it takes a BUNCH of patience to triple-tap from 7feeders.
All for one donut that I could purchase for, at the worst price, around 18 cents ... (12 donuts for $2). ... Using two devices, one logged into my main town, means Logging in and out of 7 feeders, syncing and resyncing my main town 21 times. That, takes at MINIMUM, 6 minutes. To save 18 CENTS?
If someone has a sense of self-worth that equates to $1.80 for an hour of their life doing something that tedious and boooorrrrring, for God's sake, let 'em do it. They have a LOT more problems than you and I ever will. Setting systems to prevent them from getting a donut just doesn't make sense to me. A donut costs EA nothing, except a lost sale. People willing to spend that much time for a donut ain't the type who are going to spend real life money in the first plac. EA loses almost nothing.
And, again, this all assumes I've earned the million dollars in the first place. There would be an initial and in on the bank from those of us starting out with millions, but not for long. :)