subii42 wrote:
Once you have completed KL you will be offered the chance to exchange your tickets for cash, just thought i would share :)
Yer I've heard about this. I mean it's good for people that have just started the game, as they get a chance to get some extra money to continue building their SF. But what about the people who have money and need tickets? Why can't it work both ways? I myself have not entirely stopped building KL, but I'm also not in no hurry to finnish. It's permeant and I do t see them updating it any time soon. Wait what was this topic about........ I got to stop drinking :lol: O yer, krustyland tickets, what's the deal? I suppose evan if EA added the option to exchange cash for tickets at the end of the quest, it would help me at the now. :mrgreen:
Ps: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood :lol: