Forum Discussion

HillyBillyOli's avatar
12 years ago

Level 35 Speculation...

Oh yeah... homer could feature for multiple plastic surgeries :D

27 Replies

  • I wanna see this as a family task outdoors...
    Ah but for that I would need my Maggie introduced as a seperate character!
  • +1 for the Stonecutter Hall, though if I had my way we'd get a Maison Derriere (with Belle, of course).
  • cavemanchewy wrote:


    New costume for homer.

    New tasks for many springfielders.

    This :mrgreen:
  • excelsior0808 wrote:
    +1 for the Stonecutter Hall, though if I had my way we'd get a Maison Derriere (with Belle, of course).

    Yes I agree about the burlesque house with belle as a character. And have marge protest there as a task. And Bart work there.

  • cavemanchewy wrote:
    excelsior0808 wrote:
    if I had my way we'd get a Maison Derriere (with Belle, of course).

    Yes I agree about the burlesque house with belle as a character. And have marge protest there as a task. And Bart work there.

    Burlesque house would be cool also :)

    Would work well with Maxx's idea of a Mob Task :lol:
  • I think we need to get Patti and Selma in the picture....

    and along with them, a suitable apartment building...

    We could even get Jacqueline Bouvier (Marge's Mom) in the mix as well, and have some nice interactions between her and Grandpa Simpson, and Mr. Burns.

  • Drummzz7 wrote:
    I think we need to get Patti and Selma in the picture....

    and along with them, a suitable apartment building...

    We could even get Jacqueline Bouvier (Marge's Mom) in the mix as well, and have some nice interactions between her and Grandpa Simpson, and Mr. Burns.


    I like it. :D Hopefully Patty and Selma will come with their building. Can't imagine why not, that's if we get them soon. Marge's mom would be a great character to add. :thumbup: