Forum Discussion

thomasnmn's avatar
11 years ago

Neighbors only tapping Stonecutter Lodge

It's been discussed ad nauseum, but I'm sure this won't be the last thread about it.

Many people use their first sixty friend taps of the day to tap the lodge. Most of us will come back once we've maximized emblems to tap additional buildings, because it benefits our neighbors and there's money and donuts to be had from tapping neighboring towns. In some cases, it takes songs time to get sixty lodge taps, so it can be several hours before the visit can be completed. We should all keep this in mind before deleting neighbors.
Some people don't do return visits, they just lodge tap. That's up to them.
  • Im in the habit of going through once to tap all available lodges then making a 2nd pass through tapping everything. I would say I get about 20 lodge taps which is good enough for me to continue the practice. It takes me roughly about the same time ~30-40 minutes of distracted tapping to get through them all.

    Aside from being a good neighbor, if you tap 3 daily that's more of a chance for donuts for yourself.
  • Tara1qt wrote:
    mjmikulski wrote:
    lodge excluded....why should i tap 3 times in your town for 3 emblems while you get 15? I try to do a lodge plus 2 so that way I get at least 7 if said neighbor has a lodge free.

    I'm waaaaaaay ahead of the game based on daily earnings, so only tapping certain things doesn't pertain anymore.

    I don't get the fuss. I clear my town a lot but I haven't had too many visitors today. I imagine it's because of work, I have great neighbors which is why I am so far ahead because my town is clear and i can just keep tapping.

    I have a couple issues with this.. First, if you only care about yourself, then you'd want to tap 3 daily regardless of the building you hit because of the chances to find donuts.. That's one of my biggest motivators to visit daily.

    Second - being a decent neighbor and recognizing that your 3 taps could help someone else out. Its mutually beneficial, you get a chance at donuts and they get a chance at some emblems. Just because you are ahead of the game doesn't mean there are others struggling.. Some struggling because they may have too many neighbors like you - ones that only care to help if they get the most out of it.. No one can force you to visit everyone for 3 taps but its the nice thing to do.

    If there is a time constraint or "life gets in the way" excuse that's one thing, we all have days where its impossible.. But to just take the stance that you aren't going to do a favor or nice gesture because "whats in it for me?". Meh - not a good neighbor.

    I still hit my 3 regardless of building (good neighbor), i just prefer a lodge plus 2. My issue is with people strictly pissed off at lodge tappers.

    I visit all my neighbors but skip the ones not doing the event unless i'm maxed on taps.

    I'm not taking a stance that I'm not going to do a favor. I'll keep tapping until the event concludes.

    Point in case, I don't understand why people get upset at how one obtains emblems.

  • neuroheart wrote:
    It's been discussed ad nauseum, but I'm sure this won't be the last thread about it.

    Many people use their first sixty friend taps of the day to tap the lodge. Most of us will come back once we've maximized emblems to tap additional buildings, because it benefits our neighbors and there's money and donuts to be had from tapping neighboring towns. In some cases, it takes songs time to get sixty lodge taps, so it can be several hours before the visit can be completed. We should all keep this in mind before deleting neighbors.
    Some people don't do return visits, they just lodge tap. That's up to them.

    And you knows whats up to me is if i want to keep them as a neighbor.... And i vote no! Do it it my town i delete you starting today I am well below some of my friends town emblem count and even tho I will finish the event, i find it a lack of respect and plain RUDE! I see it as step on the little guy only cause it benefits yourself. and frankly that bothers me. today alone i removed 2 players who have not been in my town in a few days and I'm glad their gone.

    I visit everybody and tap 3 things at once Who cares if it only benefits me its how the game is played i don't see why people feel they need to cheat at this game its not like its hard.
  • neuroheart wrote:
    It's been discussed ad nauseum, but I'm sure this won't be the last thread about it.

    Many people use their first sixty friend taps of the day to tap the lodge. Most of us will come back once we've maximized emblems to tap additional buildings, because it benefits our neighbors and there's money and donuts to be had from tapping neighboring towns. In some cases, it takes songs time to get sixty lodge taps, so it can be several hours before the visit can be completed. We should all keep this in mind before deleting neighbors.
    Some people don't do return visits, they just lodge tap. That's up to them.

    That's the ship I sail. 60 lodge taps then back around for mmmmmmmmm donuts
  • jensroger802 wrote:
    Ever since I started to play I have had the routine to tap-didly-slap through all of my neigborinos once a day.
    All I have changed for this event is to do it in two passes.
    First pass I only tap availeble lodges, usually finding between 15-20 out of about 95 towns.
    Then I make a second complete pass tapping everything, regardless if the token limit runs out at 10-12 towns.

    To me the limited amount of emblems possibly gained is not worth the extra time it takes to check through several times every day.

    Even for someone that is lucky or patient enough to get 60 lodge taps it will only give 300 tokens.
    While having 100 friends tap 3 buildings each will generate 1500.
    That makes this event more biased toward getting help from friends than the previouse ones.
    Even so, in other threads I've seen people saying they don't see the purpose in tapping more than 60.

    Everyone is entitled to play the way they want, but not tapping is imo being a dang-didly-darn bad neighborino 8)

    I do the same. I do keep track of single taps though. If someone constantly one taps, I one tap delete.