Forum Discussion

4junk3000's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

New characters coming to Springfield! **

In case you haven’t heard, new characters are coming soon to SF! All the characters you’ve been waiting years for, will be fully playable! How many of you have been waiting for well known figures such as:
Fully animated tasks will include:
Deflate - 1h
Inflate - 12h
Leak - 24h

Fully animated tasks will include:
Keep burglar out - 5m
Stand - 24h

Fully animated tasks will include:
Confuse wiley coyotes - 1h
Absorb all light - Infinity

Bush-shaped like Lips!
Kiss anyone backing slowly into it - 1h
Be mistaken for Derrière-shaped bush - 4h
Grow - 24h

’s hair!
Frizz - 1h
Consume 2 quarts of hair product - 4h
Hide vacation fund - 8h
Grow - 24h

Steel bar!
Act as paperweight - 1h
Break metatarsals - 4h
Rust - 24h

And that’s just a sample of all the new characters coming soon to Springfield.
But guess what else? There will be a beauty contest to decide who is the SEXIEST character in Springfield!

Who will it be?? Contestants could include:
'd Guy
Tuxedo-less Guy
Hot Tub Hairy Chest Guy
Tuxedo’d Dinosaur
Bend over for your exam Guy
Politician turning his back on the public (surprisingly popular lately)
Prematurely sexualized pageant child
That sassy white cat eating dinner in all the memes
50 gallon drum of dirty laundry

Anyone could be the winner! In fact, YOU may have seen "eligible contestants" in YOUR town. If so, please feel free to post them in this thread!

**This post is a parody for fun only among us in the forum. Please enjoy yourselves.
If you like this kind of silly fun with SFers, please visit my thread, "Things You Don’t See Too Often” in the Showcase Section.

Happy tapping!
  • frosted1414's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    I dont get those inanimate objects, mostly just npcs
    Invisible man
    Hide in plain sight - 4h
    Steal from Kwik-e-mart - 8h
    Spy on Springfielders - 12h
    Plague rats
    Spread the plague - 4h
    Spread the plague - 8h
    Spread the plague - 12h
    Darwin Fish
    Refute creationism- 10m
    Over pay for sex on the beach - 4h
    Evolve - 24h
    Snarl - 1h
    Stomp - 4h
    Roar - 12h
  • Thanks folks, this made me laugh.
    Just like the good old days....
    And, since i learned something new today, i am going to use it in the furure...
    Metatarsal.... What ?? must be a word they made up...
    So, a quick search online, since the library card has expired... it made me laugh more..

    "The metatarsal bones, or metatarsus are a group of five long bones in the foot"
  • D'oh! My game is broken! I don't have and have never had any of these gorgeous characters! I have to do something ... maybe opening a ticket can help?