My real life friend Curt ( ToasTmebabe ) has a theory that on October 31st or November 1st, the black hole will just suck all the Halloween stuff into it forever. :( So... if this theory proves to be true, it will be a sad day for those superfan Springfieldians that bought lots of donuts, dollars, premiums, etc. But maybe they will just let us all store the stuff away for 364 days until next Halloween. :P
I personally haven't bought anything with actual money; not to boast or anything, I just don't have the money to spare at the moment. To me it makes sense that premiums are so pricey so EA can get some exclusive funds to make this particular game better. Kinda like donating...but to science.
On an alternative note, I had a strange dream a few nights back where I was visiting the Other Springfield and there was this Trading Post. When selected it would bring up a menu allowing you (1) to send a single item to a fellow player, and (2) purchase limited time premiums. It could be useful to someone. Not me. Cause its probably just a bad idea anyway.
Well...I guess that's all I have to say about that.
Happy Gaming to all!