Forum Discussion

albefeline's avatar
11 years ago

No invaders?!

Are you raiding neighbors' towns and random towns? It seems the more I raid the more I get raided.
  • Yeah. During the day, I tap every 2 hours to maximise nerds. I then use them straight away on a mix of neighbour but predominantly random towns.

    I'm just not sure if I'm missing something as I'm seeing people on here earning loads.
  • Maybe your friends are away for the weekend. For me it comes and goes, somethimes a lot, sometimes few. It's not as steady as with other events so far.
  • Donathor wrote:
    Maybe your friends are away for the weekend. For me it comes and goes, somethimes a lot, sometimes few. It's not as steady as with other events so far.

    Yes - I went through a quiet time yesterday morning and afternoon, it picked up in the evening, now it's kind of quiet again. I just raided 5 towns and got a few back.
  • I'm maybe just too impatient!

    I'm trying a new tactic- to not attack friends towns and only randoms, will see if that makes a diff. If not, attack friends towns and see if that works.

    I'm useless at strategy games lol
  • Maybe it's because this event has the random button to raid towns, which involves towns of total strangers I believe. In other events you could only go to friends. That could make a difference.
  • Visit friends and perform the usual three 'actions'. That way they know for sure you've been there. Then use one nerd per building attack up to five. Again they see your name as attacker. Accept that your attack will be thwarted but they earn gold out of five buildings. If they are good neighbours they should reciprocate. You repel their attack and get more gold. Simples.
    The problem is a lot of neighbours are not attacking their neighbours because they feel the attack will not succeed. The bad news is that as each player increases their defences all attacks are likely to fail.
    Unless players get with the programme we're going to struggle with gold supplies.
  • albefeline wrote:
    I'm trying a new tactic- to not attack friends towns and only randoms, will see if that makes a diff. If not, attack friends towns and see if that works.

    That could be the reason for the lack of invaders here's the stats of the rewards for attacking and defending

  • albefeline wrote:
    I'm maybe just too impatient!

    I'm trying a new tactic- to not attack friends towns and only randoms, will see if that makes a diff. If not, attack friends towns and see if that works.

    I'm useless at strategy games lol

    I think many different strategies will work. Since you are going to try random towns you may want to try this.... Set up a nice size brown house farm near your castle. Only attack with one nerd per building and one attack per random town. Expect defeat on the attacks, but some little reward there. With some luck a few wins. Then perhaps you will get a revenge attack from these attacks. Clear shields.

    If you want to be sneaky, let a few of those brown house attacks succeeded, and never rebuild them. Now it mnight look as if you are not playing or are letting attacks win. Hence attackers may drop five attacks with the expectation of wining. :mrgreen:

    I know that you know that I know that you know...

    Have fun!
  • Neglecterino wrote:
    albefeline wrote:
    I'm maybe just too impatient!

    I'm trying a new tactic- to not attack friends towns and only randoms, will see if that makes a diff. If not, attack friends towns and see if that works.

    I'm useless at strategy games lol

    I think many different strategies will work. Since you are going to try random towns you may want to try this.... Set up a nice size brown house farm near your castle. Only attack with one nerd per building and one attack per random town. Expect defeat on the attacks, but some little reward there. With some luck a few wins. Then perhaps you will get a revenge attack from these attacks. Clear shields.

    If you want to be sneaky, let a few of those brown house attacks succeeded, and never rebuild them. Now it mnight look as if you are not playing or are letting attacks win. Hence attackers may drop five attacks with the expectation of wining. :mrgreen:

    I know that you know that I know that you know...

    Have fun!

    Aahhh this is so sneaky. I love it. I have left a few buildings burning and have attacked using only 1 need per attack. I feel it might wield a better pay out as I seem to get defeated a lot and lose 8/9/10 nerds with no reward.