Forum Discussion

ThisIDsBeenTake's avatar
11 years ago

No warning for buying spins!

Go to the "get more donuts" menu, click the little "I" in the corner, and turn on "confirm donut spend" (or whatever it is). If this isn't turned on then it won't warn you before you spend donuts on something.

4 Replies

  • ephphoneapps wrote:
    it amazes me people still don't know about the "Confirm purchase" option.

    One of the first things I always do whenever playing a new game or even starting up a new program and look through the settings. Based on how many people don't know about the confirm button, I guess I'm weird.
  • VoiceofScully wrote:
    ephphoneapps wrote:
    it amazes me people still don't know about the "Confirm purchase" option.

    One of the first things I always do whenever playing a new game or even starting up a new program and look through the settings. Based on how many people don't know about the confirm button, I guess I'm weird.

    I do the same thing. I also read the instructions - in fact, I miss the good ol' days when games (physical, cartridge/DVD games) came with instruction booklets. Now publishers are cheap and just chuck a PDF up online. :cry:
  • It's always been checked. It asked me when I purchased brandine. I guess it got unchecked during a mini update or something. Seems kinda hokey that it would do that. Like they're trying to get us to accidentally spend donuts. 115 is a lot to spend to have more valentines I don't need. If it was something I don't already have a million of...