Forum Discussion

ronsanasac92's avatar
12 years ago

Non content update ideas

Option to turn on/off Christmas decorations in settings.
  • bry5421 wrote:
    Option to turn on/off Christmas decorations in settings.

    While not ideal, you can disable the view of them (on each house individually) by using the + icon on the house. This applies to any character with a skin or a building.
  • I would like skins/colors for the houses that are currently in the game (e.g. current white house with the capability to become red, blue, green, etc.).
  • The ability to move characters on tasks and the ability to freeze characters who have walking tasks so they stay in one place.

    So we can set up scenes easily.
  • Smaller blocks of cement and he ability to put them where I wish instead of certain rows.

    Be able to place roads in any place instead of pre assigned spots.

    Hope that makes sense not really sure how to word it.
  • 2 things:

    1) "Characters locator". Some menu, where you can choose someone who you want to find and jump directly to him/her.

    2) I'd like to be able to zoom out further than now.
  • mitzytaz wrote:
    PlacentaSandwich wrote:
    Round roads...

    Love this. The ability to make curved corners would be ideal

    Also cul de sacs would be awesome

    and avenues.

    And palm trees.