Forum Discussion

4kidsandacatdog's avatar
10 years ago

OK this MUST be my neighbor area...

4kidsandacatdog wrote:
because the last weird neighbor glitch that I saw wasn't being experienced by anyone else. Now this one is kind of serious.

I deleted three friends who haven't been playing issue 2 last night and planned to check this morning for neighbor requests. Last night and this morning I had 8 neighbor requests hanging out in my list. Just now when I went to add neighbors, these had all gone. Not only that, but I tried to add someone and the game is telling me it cannot add this person. Not because I am full up, obviously I removed three people from my list of 100 so I should have a few. It isn't the message that says "either you or your neighbor have full lists". It's simply saying, request failed.

Just FYI I forced closed the app, cleared the cache and reopened and it's still doing this. I'm curious if I can receive friend requests or this has failed as well?

I have been having this issue also. I have had to have friends do it from there end.

10 Replies

  • Hi, I just tried sending you an invite and got the same error message, so it's not just you. Mine was fine before yesterday's ios update.
  • Okay thanks Tazzy! I'm glad to see it's not just me, that would make me feel a bit insane! :D

    I wonder if I should open a ticket?
  • The indicator that I am going to experience the same issue as you describe is when I get this:

    Instead of this:

    If the avatar doesn't load, I find myself unable to add or remove players from my neighbor list.

    It doesn't happen particularly often, but often enough to notice.

    The easiest solution I have been able to determine is to simply log out and log back in. Fixes it right up.
  • Happens alot, sometimes you cant delete or add on the game BUT on PC WITH ORIGIN its possible.
  • Have you counted your neighbours? I'm sure when I filled my friends list at first I managed to get more than 100 so even although you've removed three you still might not have space.
  • UPDATE: The requests have returned. I guess the problem resolved. This is the first time it's happened to me so I assumed it was a recent glitch.

    It wasn't that I had too many neighbors, I count (yeah I'm a nerd like that). And I have gotten the message when trying to add people who have their full quota. This wasn't that.

    Thanks for the input. Good to know at least it's happened to others and my game isn't necessarily broken!
  • montmorencyj wrote:
    Just checked and once again the Origin Social servers are reported as having a limited service at the moment. This is happening a lot lately and it messes with the Friends lists. Usually it gets fixed in an hour or so and then requests you sent/received will show again.

    Origin have a page for the server status here:

    Thanks for this! I do have Origin on my pc and didn't even think about it!
  • This has been happening to me for awhile. Logging out and back in fixes it for me, not sure if it works for anyone else but worth a try if you're stuck.
  • 4kidsandacatdog wrote:
    because the last weird neighbor glitch that I saw wasn't being experienced by anyone else. Now this one is kind of serious.

    That 3 instead of 6 thing on the friend page happened to me today; so you are not alone.
  • maryclaire1 wrote:
    This has been happening to me for awhile. Logging out and back in fixes it for me, not sure if it works for anyone else but worth a try if you're stuck.

    That works well for me, as does a force close.

    It's a simple annoyance but when you need them the most it has to be a head banging moment :shock: