Forum Discussion

crosby357's avatar
12 years ago

Smithers moonwalking?

I have loads of people who moonwalk :lol: Cletus is the one who does it the most for me lol

Also teleporting is a good one too :lol: Always have to check they made it to their destination ok tho :lol:

3 Replies

  • mine gets worse by the day. everyone moonwalks, and walks through walls, etc.. even when i dont assign them to tasks now. just when they're walking around freely
  • Smithers does it on mine when he does "Hideous drunkin wreck" task. Skinner,willie,snake all do it plus my morphing brockman,goes through walls,fences,trees and buildings.
  • Every single one of my characters now does odd things, the problem is finding them all. They go off street even when they are roaming free. Very irritating when you're trying to task them all and you cannot find one because they are walking through a large building !